13 Ways To Recognize The Conscious Man (And Why His Love Is Different)

Sharon McCutcheon / Unsplash

Who is the conscious man? The mind conjures up images of a barefoot shirtless beach babe, beaming light and love from his eyes. We imagine he wears mala beads and lets his locks flow long. God in the bedroom, we imagine he worships his beloved for hours on end. A man, we imagine, who can stand on his head and sit motionless for hours through meditation at sunrise. We label him the hippie type, and perhaps we are right. But the conscious man, just like us, is more than meets the eye. His embodiment of consciousness comes in the way he carries himself — it pours out from within. Conscious men are in cities, amongst the trees, and by the sea. A conscious man wanders his own path and looks different from the next of his kind. If we are not versed in the qualities carry, we may just miss him waltzing by. So what does he look like inside, a man of this kind?

1. The conscious man is not perfect; he is in progress. He has shone light on his shit and is dedicated to exploring what festers in the hidden corners of his habits, his feelings, and his patterns.

2. The conscious man has dropped limiting roles of masculinity; he knows that he holds his masculinity when he is focused, grounded, logical, and loyal. He does not need to dominate to feel strong. He honors the masculine within you, too.

3. The conscious man honors femininity — within and around him. He knows it does not make him weak to be expressive, nurturing, flexible, and emotional. He holds space for the divine feminine flow within you.

4. The conscious man is able to give and receive in equal measure. He thrives on balance as you do. He will accept your worship and unconditionally shower the same love on you from a place of wholehearted devotion.

5. The conscious man is responsible for his life; he does not point fingers or place blame. He understands that his power lies within him and is not afraid to look at the ways in which he can evolve his inner realm.

6. The conscious man talks about ideas, not people. He plays with themes, patterns, and theories. This man wonders about the world at large and is not confined to small stories; he sees a bigger picture.

7. The conscious man is available — physically and emotionally. He has begun to clear out the junk drawer of distraction and preoccupations, leaving him with time and the capacity to be present with you.

8. The conscious man is present. When he is with you, his heart and mind are held in that space. He listens attentively and witnesses you in your entirety. There is no place he would rather be.

9. The conscious man is true to his word. He speaks from his heart and knows what it means to honor his commitments. This man speaks from a place of clarity and truth, making it natural for him to follow through.

10. The conscious man knows how to play. He brings light with his love and is unafraid to sing, laugh, and dance. He knows that life can be raised from its darkness and knows how to roar with lightness at the serious nature of the ego.

11. The conscious challenges you. He acts as a mirror for your inner mysteries and holds space for what arises from these deep lagoons within you. This man knows you are more than any self-limiting beliefs you stubbornly carry.

12. The conscious man watches your waves, though he does not dive in. He listens with patience and compassion and allows you to ride whatever feelings arise as you sort through your own mess. He helps you to explore what has washed up on the shore.

13. The conscious man embraces love. He does not shy away for fear of vulnerability. He wears his heart openly, letting you see, feel, and explore the core of who he is. Love is at the base of his journey and he will hold gratitude to have you with him for the ride.

So when you cross paths with a conscious man, meet him as a conscious woman. Bestow on him the same openness he holds for you. What makes him aware stems from the work he has done to emerge from the ego’s disguise. His love runs deep so to see it, we have to tune in to the heart — and open ourselves to the fact that love with this man will be different than what we have been taught to look for. TC mark

About the author

Gillian Sanger

Lover of the woods and words

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