32 Men Share Dating Experiences With Women Who Went A Little Bit Psycho On Them

"She threatened to kill me and threatened to tell the police I raped her."


32 Men Share Dating Experiences With Women Who Went A Little Bit Psycho On Them
Sam Manns
Found on AskReddit.

1. She threatened to kill me and threatened to tell the police I raped her.

“Had a little stalker who threatened to kill me and threatened to tell the police I raped her.

After she found out that I recorded all of the phone calls and kept the voicemails as evidence, she quit harassing me. Though I’m sure she still kinda stalks me now and then.”


2. In order to avoid responsibility for the sexy times, she accuses me of rape.

“Meet random girl at college party; we have had one conversation before. She asks me for booze; she ends up coming home with me and my girlfriend. Threesome ensues. Turns out she has a boyfriend. In order to avoid responsibility for the sexy times, she accuses me of rape. To our mutual friends, to the cops, to our college. In the police report, it literally documents a conversation she had with her friend the day after the hookup in which she says she was feeling guilty for the sex and her friend suggests that she accuse me of rape. That was a stressful three months.”


3. She said, ‘If you left me I’d probably kill myself.’

“I was briefly getting involved with a girl. She was bipolar but couldn’t afford the medication anymore. She was nice in general but had her moments. Before she was diagnosed and originally placed on meds she attempted suicide. Her family refused to acknowledge that anything was wrong with her, she kept getting worse, and she felt that was her only option. I met her many years after that.

At one point, while we were driving somewhere, I think the conversation turned to breakups in general. I forget how, but it wasn’t anything about our situation. She said, ‘If you left me I’d probably kill myself.’

I’m sitting there thinking, ‘what the fuuuck…’

A while later I ended things. It went well and she’s still alive. I wasn’t about to deal with that long term. Not worth it.”


4. She slipped a knockout drug in my drink.

“I was friends with this girl in college and I came over to study with her. She gave me a drink and I didn’t have a reason to not trust her. Drank it and started to feel really weird, the feeling I’ve had only once before when someone tried to drug me. Was like ‘oh no’ and got to my car and locked it and fell asleep. Woke up sometime later with her trying to get into my car. Yeah, that was a bit creepy.”


5. She told me how she was obsessed with serial killers and wanted to buy a human skull.

“Went over her house and literally everything in her room was neon pink then she showed me her crystal collection and a book she had that was just a bunch of pictures of human bodies sliced up and laid out on tables and told me how she was obsessed with serial killers and wanted to buy a human skull.”


6. She asked me to euthanize my dog.

“She asked me to euthanize my dog because he was taking up too much of ‘our’ time.”


7. She was standing at the foot of my bed crying. She didn’t have a key and I don’t know how she got in.

“I woke up one time because she was standing at the foot of my bed crying. She didn’t have a key and I don’t know how she got in.”


8. She stole a picture of me that was posted on our dorm bulletin board and posted it on her wall next to hearts.

She stole a picture of me that was posted on our dorm bulletin board and posted it on her wall next to hearts.

For about a month, I kept getting calls on my room’s phone between 1 and 2 am with no one on the other line. I had the office print out a list of all the calls, and everyone of those late night calls were from her room.

I used to use the deadbolt in my door to keep the door open, so people could just come into my room when I was home. Someone kicked the door open once and took a picture of me and ran off. Guess who.

She showed up to a party I hosted with four of her friends all dressed up for a night out. They walked in, took one look at everyone, panicked, and fled—dropping and shattering a 1-liter bottle of wine cooler on their way out.

Coming home from a party really drunk one night, I saw her following me. As I got closer to my room I heard her fast walking to catch up to me. I got in a closed the door before she rounded the corner. She stood in front of my door for a solid 30 seconds before she left.

While I can’t prove this was her, I can’t imagine it was anyone else. 3 or 4 times someone left me poorly drawn hentai in notes shoved under my door. I would like to underline the ‘poorly’ part of that.

I never actually talked to this girl—not once.”


9. She threatened to make false accusations that I had hit her.

“Threatened to make false accusations that I had hit her.”


10. A goth girl in high school tried to convince me to kill myself and will her my ashes.

Goth girl in HS tried to convince me to kill myself and will her my ashes.

Girl in college took hair samples in effort to put me under a Wiccan spell.

Grown woman reported me ‘missing and suicidal’ to my local police after I refused to up-and-move in with her. She lived 5 states away, and I hadn’t seen or spoken to her in almost 10 years. We had only been in touch again for a month or two.”


11. She sent me messages about how she loves me less than 24 hours after meeting me.

“Met a girl. Got her number. Sends me like 15 nudes while I’m at work. Talked to her on the phone. Says shit like ‘I’m so glad we were brought together.’ Ignore it she clearly means as the friends we are. Wake up next day to like 13 messages including how she loves me. Have known her for less than 24 hours. She uses my number to find me on Facebook and adds me there. Wat. I forgot you could do that. Etc.”


12. She had a diary she kept that used four different writing styles for the different voices in her head.

“She had a diary she kept that used four different writing styles for the different voices in her head, she liked to carry it with her when she walked the 5 miles from her house to sit outside of mine and stare at my house while writing about me with her other voices.

She told me about this in school and showed me the diary, but told me to ‘ignore that one, she’s just angry all the time’ about one of the ‘voices.’

I dated her for like three years.”


13. She woke me up by punching me in the face for not calling her over the weekend.

“Girlfriend in high school showed up unannounced to my house while I was sleeping, my stepdad let her in and she woke me up by punching me in the face for not calling her over the weekend. Our house phone had been disconnected and I was unable to call her to tell her. That was kinda creepy.”


14. I did not answer her calls, so she sent me 10-page ranty letters.

“I had to break up with a woman I met online. She did not take it well. I did not answer her calls, so she sent me 10-page ranty letters, I still did not respond, and I got all of the gifts I gave her back with another 10-page letter with all of my faults highlighted. I had to block 4 email addresses she created to try to contact me. I thought she finally got the hint after the 4th.”


15. She insisted that I didn’t wear a condom because ‘I want a girl.’

“A girl I was hooking up with insisted that I didn’t wear a condom because, and I quote, ‘I want a girl.'”


16. She sent me creepy come-ons, then told my boss that I’d sent them.

“Working pizza place:

Coworker texts me. Tells me about how she’s down for anything, she has no gag reflex, and I can ‘use her as I please.’ I ask like two follow up questions about this, and no answer.

Manager calls me into her office the next day. I figure I know what’s going on.

The other girl was crying, telling the manager that I was creepy texting her. Show my manager my phone—I’m in the clear.

The girl was removed from the store, only to go to another location.”


17. She sneakily followed me home to see where I lived. Full-on stayed watching until I entered my apartment, then drove off.

“I had just gotten her number after awkwardly flirting with her on a dare. She was cute, so I was going to give her a call at one point. We walked our separate ways and I went to class. Two hours later, while driving home I spotted her in her car following me in my car. She sneakily followed me home to see where I lived. Full-on stayed watching until I entered my apartment, then drove off. I immediately thought stalker/crazy so I never called. I told my roommate and he just laughed and said she wanted her number back.”


18. She began demanding that I tell her I love her, or else she’d cut herself.

“I’ve been stalked online numerous times….Usually just obsessive messaging back in the days of Yahoo/MSN/AIM mixed with a lot of unsolicited dirty messages/nudes. The worst was a girl that lured me into viewing her webcam (said she’d acquired a cool item and ‘had to show me’) then began demanding that I tell her I love her, or else she’d cut herself. It was not an idle threat; I witnessed multiple cuts before someone (i’d assume a family member) shut that shit down.

There’s actually worse than that but that’s the worst thing I can share outside of the comfort of a throwaway account.”


19. A girl tried to lock me in a supply closet with her.

“Late middle school. A girl tried to lock me in a supply closet with her. I wasn’t interested in her at all, but she came on to me hard and this was among her last-ditch efforts. She also made a grab for my crotch as I pushed past her to get away.

Nope, not even once would I have considered just going for her. You don’t do crazy, and this chick—you know the saying ‘few sandwiches short of a picnic’ right? She was the basket, blanket, grassy park and sunny day short of a picnic.”


20. I wake up and she’s sitting there watching me sleep and tells me she is in love with me.

“Met a girl who had a boyfriend. We hit it off and I told her I wouldn’t touch her if she had a boyfriend, also told her not to break up with him for me, because I just wanted sex and he really seemed to care for her. The next day she broke up with her boyfriend. She comes over, we fool around, she leaves. The next morning I wake up and she’s sitting there watching me sleep and tells me she is in love with me.”

time chuck

21. She made a blog page about me and would Photoshop me onto photos of her and I married, or fake naked pictures of me.

“After I graduated from high school I moved away. This girl I had been messing around with before I left made a blog page about me and would Photoshop me onto photos of her and I married, or fake naked pictures of me. She would pour her heart out into her posts saying some really crazy stuff. She also made a voodoo doll of me.

Another girl I was messing around with more recently had been trying to use these attraction potions on me. It was called ‘Come to me’ and another one called ‘Success.’ She left both vials at my house and in my car on accident. She was into tarot cards and horoscopes and all that shit.

Idk why I attract witches hahaha.

Also, I go out in a foreign country a lot, as I live close to the border. Get my junk or ass grabbed almost every time. But that’s not that creepy, just kinda rude. However, if the genders were reversed it for sure would be seen as creepy.”


22. She left me somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-20 voicemails. I only listened to 3 before I deleted all of them without listening.

“I matched with this girl on Bumble, and she immediately starts talking about sex. Sends me a nude picture of herself, and her number. I text her and say what’s up. She immediately starts talking about how she misses her ex and she is depressed… So I’m like okay this all a little too much for me and I don’t think it would be a good idea if we slept together because even though I wouldn’t turn down sex, I’m actually looking for a relationship.

So then she starts being like ‘no! I want a relationship! With you! please come over! I’m going to hurt myself if you don’t! I’ll be so sad! You don’t even know me!’ So at this point, I don’t engage. AT ALL. Because I know there is nothing good that could come from it. So I block her.

And that’s when she starts calling me from no caller ID numbers. I’ve got pages and pages of phone calls one right after the other of no caller ID. I was so freaked out. She wouldn’t stop calling! She left me somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-20 voicemails. I only listened to 3 before I deleted all of them without listening. The first two were essentially ‘I thought you liked me, please talk to me, I’m not going to stop calling until you talk to me.’ The third message was her calling me a scumbag and telling me how ugly I was and that she was giving my phone number to every single one of her matches on bumble. Which she apparently followed through with. because in the week that followed I got between 100-200 texts from a bunch of thirsty boys on bumble thinking they were talking to her. A bunch didn’t even bother saying ‘hey.’ Just sent their dick pics as an opener…

I reported her to Bumble, and I guess they deleted her account. Eventually the dick pics and texts stopped too. But I never gave my phone number to any girl I matched with after that. Not until we had met in person. Shit was crazy.”


23. She called me at 3:30 and told me to come over. Before I got there, she had told me to leave and not to leave about 20 times.

“Just broke up with a girl who had multiple personalities. She called me at 3:30 and told me to come over. Before I got there, she had told me to leave and not to leave about 20 times. She then proceeded to tell me about her other boyfriend and when I told him about her and I, she threatened to kill herself.

Never have I been so glad to not see someone again.”


24. While I have my face between her breasts she says ‘I’m so happy we’re together. I already told my parents about you and they can’t wait to meet you.’

“During my high school years I worked at the local mall. A random cute older girl (no longer in high school, like 3yrs older than me at the time) asked for my number and of course I gave it to her. We talked for about 2 days before I skipped class to go to her house to ‘hang out.’ While I have my face between her breasts she says ‘I’m so happy we’re together. I already told my parents about you and they can’t wait to meet you.’ I made up an excuse and left right away.”


25. Girl at work kept hitting on me and would ignore my rejections until I finally got mean.

“Girl at work kept hitting on me and would ignore my rejections until I finally got mean. ‘You know you weigh roughly twice as much as I do, right?'”


26. She started texting me to watch my back because she was going to push me down a flight of stairs in school or set my backpack on fire when I wasn’t expecting it.

“For a month or two I was ‘talking’ to a girl my sophomore year of high school. We never did anything or claimed a title, but it was clear she liked me and for a good week I though I might like her. My old phone used to randomly turn off and not turn on again for days at a time. This happened with the girl. My phone didn’t turn on again until I was hanging out with a girl I KNEW I liked (who ended up being my girlfriend for a couple years). I didn’t reply to her messages because I was out and then I forgot about it all together.

I eventually communicate with the girl but to a minimal extent. The more I tried to avoid her, the more she harassed me…and then the threats came in.

After weeks of her insults and my explanations that I wasn’t interested she started texting me to watch my back because she was going to push me down a flight of stairs in school or set my backpack on fire when I wasn’t expecting it. Most the girl ever did was try to sabotage my project for an English final, but at the time the threats were very creepy.”


27. She asked me if I wanted to get married in a church within fifteen minutes of meeting me.

“Two examples that stick out for me…

First was a bad first date. Girl was too forward and was asking me questions I considered intrusive for a first meeting.

–How much is your salary?

–How many girls have you been with?

–What religion are you / do you want to get married in a church?

Those are the questions I remember, but questions like that, that you really don’t (or shouldn’t) ask within 15 minutes of meeting someone…

The other story, I had been seeing a girl for 5-6 months and I ended up breaking things off. Lots of reasons why but told her I wanted space and didn’t think we should talk after breaking things off. She started texting me every weekend wanting to meet up or to talk over coffee. I ignored the messages for like a month. She knew where I worked and one day I am coming out of my office building and she is waiting on the corner, trying to meet me in person and talk to me. That was a bit stalker-ish in my opinion and told her that was not cool. She still tried to text me for a week or two after that but eventually she stopped and left me alone. That happened about 10 months ago and have been without contact since then so think I am in the clear…”


28. She built a personal homepage dedicated to me.

“Picture this…

It was the late 1990’s. Young, angsty teen love. I met this girl over the summer. But alas, we went to different schools. It didn’t matter that we lived within walking distance of one another, to her this was the end. The woeful end to our sweet romance.

So she built a personal homepage dedicated to me. It had my 8th grade graduation photo on it, large text proclaiming ‘I’ll always love you’ under it and an animated votive candle beneath that.

That candle was set to burn for eternity. Unfortunately, I think geocities ceasing to be a thing extinguished it.”


29. I must’ve blocked at least 10 of her numbers.

“Went on one date and I wasn’t interested. She kept texting me. I politely turned her down. She started texting from a new number. And it repeated. Then a new number. Again.

I must’ve blocked at least 10 numbers and I was less than pleasant towards the end.

I got a text this Christmas from an unknown number. It was fucking Shannon. It’s been 3+ years since our date and 2.75 since the last text.

Leave me the fuck alone, Shannon.”


30. She slobbered over every square inch of my feet, leaving a layer of slimy saliva all over them.

“I had a female friend whose socially awkward and unattractive cousin/roommate would tag along with us everywhere. She also developed a crush on me because, apparently, I was the only guy who would give her the time of day.

One night the creepy cousin thought I would get turned on if she licked my feet. It did not work, especially since she slobbered over every square inch of my feet, leaving a layer of slimy saliva all over them. Yuck. It still gives me shivers.

Another time, she invited herself into bed with me for the night (the 3 of us were spending the weekend at a cabin). I figured that if I didn’t lay a finger on her she would get the message. Nope. She thought that it made me a ‘perfect gentleman’ and she crushed even harder. And by that I mean I became an obsession to her.

Later that summer she went camping with some guy and he abandoned her in the national park with absolutely nothing. She managed to get to a payphone (no cell phones back then) and call me up. I picked her up and brought her home. After that I became her ‘knight in shining armor,’ just for being a decent human being. I was pretty freaked out by her intensity.

Eventually we did start seeing each other (I guess she wore me down). Only then did I learn what a horrible person she was. She was sleeping with multiple other people (up to 3 in 1 day), all unprotected too. She also began spreading lies and rumors amongst our friend group to stir up trouble for her amusement.

The last I heard she made some money pulling off insurance scams.

Don’t ignore red flags people. Please don’t. If someone is creepy, that is a red flag.”


31. She made a voodoo doll of me.

“So, I had a coworker who had a big crush on me. I agreed to go out with her, even though she was very open about how she practiced witchcraft. In hindsight, that probably should’ve been a red flag, but I’ve always been attracted to freaks, so what the hell.

Anyway, we’re over at her house, and she starts openly talking about how she has no doubt in her mind that we’re going to end up together. I ask why she’s so sure and she starts telling me about how she has a voodoo doll of me, and she’s used it to cast all sorts of spells on me. I thought she was just joking, so I decided to call her bluff by asking to see it. Big mistake. She brings me into this weird, darkly lit room, and opens this drawer to reveal the creepiest fucking doll I’ve ever seen in my life–complete with all sorts of items she had stolen off my desk. But the weirdest part was that she kept it in this coffin-like container with another doll that was supposed to be her. I asked why she kept the two dolls next to each other in the weirdo container, and she deadpans, ‘because soon we’re going to be buried together.’

And that was pretty much the end of that potential relationship. But wait, there’s more. Since we were coworkers, we still had to see each other very day. Our relationship ‘officially’ ended a few weeks later in spectacular form at a large party in front of about one hundred people, but that’s a story for another day. Point being, we broke up, and things were quiet for a while.

A few months later, after we had gone weeks without really talking or interacting, she randomly walks into my office one morning with a stuffed teddy bear. It was wearing a mini Chicago Bears jersey (I’m a Bears fan), and she had impaled the bear with about ten to twelve wooden stakes. Each stake went completely through the teddy bear, and she even went so far as to put something on each stake that looked like blood (it was probably paint, but who knows). Anyway, it was early in the morning, I was still tired, and she walks into my office, puts this bloody monstrosity on my desk, and just says ‘soon,’ and walks out.

So, yeah, that was a fun experience.

TDLR: Dated a witch; she made a voodoo doll of me; she said wanted to be buried with me ‘soon’; and then she killed a teddy bear in order to send me a message.”


32. She more or less told me that because I said I would break up with her if she didn’t have sex more often, I was coercing her into sex AKA rape.

“We’d been dating for a few weeks. We got along ok, but her libido was way lower than mine. The sex was great when it happened but that was not very often. I decided that the reasonable thing to do was to have an honest discussion about it, because it was an issue for me. The discussion more or less boiled down to me asking her what she thought of the situation and whether or not compromise was possible. I said I wasn’t happy with the way things were and since it had only been a few weeks it would be better for me to stop dating than continue to be unhappy and become resentful.

We both decided we could adjust our expectations and we kept dating.

A few months later she more or less told me that because I said I would break up with her if she didn’t have sex more often, I was coercing her into sex AKA rape. Apparently I’m legally obligated to date her no matter what or I’m a rapist.

Oh yeah and this whole time she actually still had a boyfriend, I was her side-piece.

I ran far, far away from that dumpster fire.


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