This Woman Came Out To Her Parents And They Responded By Sending Her GF This Heartwarming Letter

A holiday card from a girl's parents to her girlfriend
Twitter / @kTc0rvin0

Coming out as LGBT+ to your parents can be daunting, especially if you aren’t sure how they’re going to react. But while it’s one thing for your parents to support you, it’s another thing entirely for them to support your partner. But that’s what happened to Elite Daily editor Katie Corvino and her girlfriend.

After Katie came out to her parents, they wrote her girlfriend a Christmas card, and honestly it’s one of the cutest things I’ve read.

Twitter / @kTc0rvin0
Twitter / @kTc0rvin0

Seriously, how freaking sweet is that??? The whole letter read:

Merry Christmas to you and your family. We hope you enjoy your holiday back home. We also want to thank you for making Katie happy. It has bee a rough year for our family and we are grateful for joy entering our lives again. We welcome you!

I’m not crying, you’re crying. (Fuck it, we’re all crying.)

Twitter / @kTc0rvin0

Honestly, I wish every coming out story was this sweet. I love parents who support their children following their hearts and finding true love, and even more so when they accept the full package, significant other and all. Hopefully this is the way the world is going. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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