In 2018, This Is What I Wish For You

woman standing in snow
Noah Silliman

In 2018, I hope you finally realize that you are worthy of a great love.

That mixed signals, uncertainty, and self-doubt are a thing of the past.

A year where you remain optimistic but more protective of your bleeding heart.

When you can let go of the almost relationships of 2017 and look forward to the possibilities of the New Year.

For you, this may mean taking the time to be single. Find a new weekend routine, explore new bars with your girlfriends, and travel the world without your plus 1. See life in your own eyes and not in the eyes of another’s.

It could mean finally getting out of a long-term relationship that you know in your heart is a placeholder for something far greater. I hope that you have the courage to let this person go because you deserve a love that is reciprocated.

Maybe it’s about letting go of preconceived notions that you are your own barrier to finding love. Try being more gentle with yourself because you are worthy of everything beautiful in this world.

This year, don’t let anyone treat you as an option—because you aren’t. It’s not your place in this world to convince someone to be in your life. Your time is valuable and should be reserved for those who embrace your quirks, your basic taste in music, and your infectious laughter.

You may be too much for some people but don’t let that discourage you. It’s a gift to feel so deeply, dance so freely, and laugh so genuinely.

I hope you fall deeper in love this year—with your life, yourself, and your loved ones.

I hope that you put your phone down and take a walk on an unseasonably warm winter day.

I hope that you can enjoy the company of the people who are already in your life.

I hope that you accept that some people are temporary and that they left because they aren’t your future.

Most of all, I hope that you keep wishing in 2018, because I know I will be too. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Irene Tung

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