A Farewell Letter To 2017 As The New Year Approaches

Jared Sluyter

Soon enough, the bottles will be popped, the dresses will be worn, polaroids will be snapped, confetti will be thrown, and the year among you will be yet another thing of the past. 

You will get all dressed up to celebrate the changing of the calendar; the start of something new. The beckoning of the new year is here. You will be surrounded by friends that made everyday feel like home. Those that helped you get through yet another, year. Some faces will be new, yet familiar. Some may be old, but you’ll be forever grateful to have them near.

The night will feel forever young. You will feel forever young. You will strut the streets with your head held high and hands gripped tight. You will own this one last night. You will dance until you feel your feet no more. You will drink until the cups are empty. The laughter will never cease. You will stay up until the clock strikes 12. You will be out until the lights come on and the rooms clear. You will make memories this last day of 2017 that you will be waking up with in 2018.

For some, the night will start with the cheers of glasses, and will end with a special New Year’s kiss.

You will be saying farewell not only to this year, but to a lot of things. Maybe some faces that faded away and out of your life. Maybe to a lover you just couldn’t hold onto any more. Maybe to loved ones that went away to a place much more beautiful then here. Maybe you had to leave a job or a town. Maybe your farewell was something more personal, something much more than words can allow.

Whatever your farewell will be on New Year’s Eve, I hope it’s for the better. I hope it’s for the good. I hope you held onto what you needed this year, and I hope you let go of what had to be gone. 

While some are saying farewell, others of you will be saying hello for the first time. Some will be welcoming the year of 2018 with their arms open wide. Maybe this will be your year of big plans. Maybe you are making room for even bigger stories. Maybe you are welcoming a new job, a new relationship, a new state of mind.

Whatever your hello is this year, I hope it’s one of the sweetest ones you’ve ever made and one you never forget. 

I find this to be true, some farewells and hellos are a lot harder to do. But this one, this farewell and hello of another year, seems to be the easiest of all.

Maybe it simply gives some another reason to celebrate, or maybe for some it’s the opportunity to reflect, or to anticipate a new year with hope of a blank canvas, waiting to be scribbled upon. Or maybe we just make up another list of excuses and hopes we’ll never accomplish. Maybe it’s the thrill of simply flipping that page. Of getting the chance to say goodbye one more time.

New Years is among us. I can already see the memories being made. I can already hear the laughter in the streets. I can already smell the champagne on your breath. 

Don’t blink, because when you do, 2018 will be in front of you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Katie Rochelle

I believe in words & endless cups of coffee.

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