Thoughts That Keep Me Up Past 2 AM

Thoughts That Keep Me Up Past 2 AM
God & Man

Usually I shut my eyes off at 11 p.m., but lately I am having a hard time sleeping. Maybe because of stress? Depression? Anxiety? I don’t know.

I came to realize that there’s something missing in my life. But that piece is still unknown. Maybe a person? A touch? A drink? I don’t know.

I’ve been through a lot of difficulties in my life: rejections, betrayals, breakups, trust that was ruined, and an unsteady relationship with my family. All this pain that I encountered made me ask myself if I’m really worth it.

I’ve always been the saddest ones in a group full of extrovert people. Always on the side with soda on my left hand and a cigar on the other. Always anxious of everything.

It’s been years since I started writing, I am always unsure of myself, unsure of the words that I’m using. Never tried submitting a piece to any writing submissions (probably this will be the first one)

My mind is always unstable. Before I sleep there are so many random things that pops in my head. Countless problems that’s never been solved, good or painful memories.

If I seek help from others, I feel that they might think I’m not that important so I don’t deserve their help. That I should do things on my own.

Or when if there’s something wrong around me, I feel that it’s all my fault. There’s no other person to blame but me.

I couldn’t let go of the mistakes I made back then that made my family really disappointed. I feel they are slowly walking away from me.

I can’t stop blaming myself in all times.

I feel I am not worth it.

I feel I am not enough.

Whenever I’m going to open up to someone, I feel that they’re just there to listen by the ear not by the heart.

I’m losing all the confidence I had when I was free and happy. I couldn’t help myself up. I always have hesitations and fears.

I have so many troubles and pleasure running in my head and they never stopped running until I fall asleep.

Despite every trial I encountered, every tear that fell from my eyes, every heartache I endure. Here I am, still breathing.

Still thinking and dreaming after 2 a.m. falls.

It’s a phase of my life that I am really tired of repeating but leaves me in ecstasy every time somehow, for being able to see what my true self is. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Claudia Caabay

words, music and art junkie :)

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