She Couldn’t Help But Like Her

exploring a girl's sexuality
Ben Warren

She couldn’t help but stare in awe at the most beautiful girl she’d ever met, inside and out. She couldn’t help but fall faster, faster, faster. She couldn’t help but wonder about the taste of her lips, the smell of her perfume as she held her in her arms. She couldn’t help but disobey everything she’d ever known.

She couldn’t help but sneak around to just get a glimpse of this girl. She couldn’t help all the extra bathroom trips, the warnings. She couldn’t help it when she kissed her over the bathroom sink.

She couldn’t stop thinking about the way her lips tasted. She couldn’t help wanting more.

She couldn’t help falling asleep on the girl’s chest. She couldn’t help but find every excuse as they walked the streets to hold her hand. She couldn’t help singing to her at the dance. She couldn’t help but fall in love with the same sex. She couldn’t help holding her hair back as she threw up. She couldn’t help tucking her into bed before crawling in next to her.

She couldn’t help but wish for the impossible. She couldn’t help but wish her beloved was just as in love as she was.

She couldn’t help but wish to wake up tangled up in each other’s arms. She couldn’t help that she was no longer the perfect daughter. She couldn’t help the disappointment in her parents faces as she let them down even more.

She couldn’t help liking girls.Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Juliana Sholes

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