The Beautiful Truth About Finding Happiness


Lately I’ve been thinking what real happiness is. We come to this world without a clue about it, and we start living and learning about life from our parents and other people that are involved in our lives. We are all the same human beings, but we are all raised differently.

That means each one of us have different perspectives of happiness, right?

The society has created the idea of happiness and people believe in it because they are a part of the society and that becomes their criteria of happiness.

But who decided the definition of happiness in the first place?

I don’t know what comes up on your mind when you think of happiness, but maybe it’s something like, being successful at your job? / being in a relationship or being married? / being rich enough to buy anything you want?

It continues, but I’ll leave the rest for you think about it.

When you think about happiness I want you think deeply if that is the real happiness you are looking for. Because sometimes, we get caught up on the idea of happiness which the society created. The bottom line is that we all want to earn evaluation from the society and other people so we can feel valuable. When we feel valuable we feel good, but this is a temporary fulfillment and sometimes we confuse these feelings with happiness. Also, I think comparing yourself with other people has become a bad habit for us humans. Especially in this generation with social media we are able to observe everybody’s life so easily, so there are a lot more chances to compare yourself with other people if you intend to. But the truth is, you should know that you are valuable without anybody’s evaluation, and you can’t let anyone decide the definition of your happiness. Happiness can come in many shapes. You’re the only person who can decide what happiness means to you. Maybe you still haven’t figured out what happiness means to you, but if you search deep down in your core you might find a happiness that you never knew before. True happiness can only be discovered by oneself.

Do what makes you happy because no one owns your life. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Emily Mizuuchi

I’m an Interpreter/Translator currently living in Tokyo.
Sometimes, I like to write down my thoughts.

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