I Thank God Every Day For Giving Me A Mother Like You

Camila Cordeiro

Dear Mama,

When I wake up each day, you are the first person to greet me good morning.
Before I go to bed, you are the one who kisses me and says good night
When I am hungry, you get my bottle and feed me right on time
When I am hurt, you cry and wish God that he gives you what I am feeling inside

Growing up, I couldn’t tell how much you sacrificed your sleep just to prepare my breakfast
That before I open my eyes, you make sure my uniform is ironed out
I saw you wiping your sweat; I can feel you gasping your breath
But still, that joy on your face is there, it never fades

I could still remember, times that you were so proud of me
When I get a star from a teacher and recite to you how I learned ABC
I could still remember how proud you were and boast all my achievements
Those moments when you tell your fellows that I will be good man

Growing up, suddenly things have changed
Not you and your love, but me who feel ashamed
I started to hide secrets, I did things you thought I cannot do
But that is true, I am not a good one now but a prodigal son for you

Many times, a million times that I ignore you
When I chose to be with my friends than to celebrate each day with you
Many times I hear you weep because of the pain you feel for me
But I chose to refuse and pretend that you are okay

I heard your prayers to God to take care of me always
On the other room when you couldn’t do anything but blame yourself
You asked Him what did you do wrong, what have you done
That I grow up like this, that I become the bad one

Now, Mama, all I ask is forgiveness from you
For I didn’t realize the worth of everything that you do
For all the words you said that I didn’t pay attention to
I am sorry Mama. I am sorry. I love you.

Now that I am a grown up man, all I want is to honor you
I couldn’t thank God enough for giving the most loving and patient person like you
I wonder why you never left despite everything I did to you
I wonder why you never left even if I asked you to

Now I understand, God gave me you to guide me and see things through
All the disappointments and hurt, you are there to cheer me up as my number 1 fan
Nothing more, nothing less, you just love me for who I am
And I am what I am now because you raised me well, you are a great mom.

Mama, you are my very first kiss, first hug
Your embrace that makes me feel secure and safe
All I want is to cherish each day with you
You are one of the reasons behind everything I do

Soon.. when I have my own family
I will always tell my kids about you
I will boast them your hard works and sacrifices for our family
I will take care of them, give them the love that you gave me

Soon, when they grow up and started to discover the world
When they go out and do things their way
I will never leave them and will pray God to guide them
I will stay on their side .. I will stay even if they don’t ask me to
because I want them to be like you. I want to be like you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Marco Rosario

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