10 Things That Happen When You Date A Girl Who Loves Her Life

She doesn't expect you make her feel complete.


Matthew Hamilton

1. She’s going to give you your own space. As much as she enjoys being with you, she knows that you have your own life and she doesn’t expect to be with you 24/7. That’s why she’s not going to object to you hanging out with your friends or complain that you are not spending enough time with her. She understands if you are busy with your work and she considers your feelings first.

2. She doesn’t have unrealistic expectations for you. She won’t expect you to plan romantic surprises for her every single time. She won’t take it for granted when you help her whenever you can or pay for her meals. She won’t compare you to someone else and complain about you not doing enough for her. She appreciates you for every little thing you do for her and she’s grateful for your presence in her life.

3. She doesn’t expect you make her feel complete. It’s true that you make her days shine brighter and she smiles happier now. With you around, she feels loved and protected. However, she doesn’t need your constant affirmation of how gorgeous she is to feel good about herself. She’s comfortable in her own skin and she’s her own biggest fan. She knows her own strengths and capabilities and she’s proud to be the person she is. Likewise, she knows she has her own issues to work with and she doesn’t expect you to handle all her problem and resolve every crisis for her.

4. She expects you to give her space. She has a close-knit family and a network of friends who are all very important to her. She tries her best to include you in all the aspects of her life but at the same time, she wants you to know that there are times when she needs to meet her friends, to attend her yoga session, and to have her own downtime to recharge.

5. She’s going to be there for you in times of adversity. When you are facing difficulties, she wants you to share your burden with her. She doesn’t want you to shut her out, as she believes the two of you are a team. She’s patient with you and gives you the time you need to go to her. She encourages you not to be optimistic during the dark times and she promises never to give up on you.

6. She communicates with you. If something is not working out, she wants to talk it out with you and resolve it. She’s an open book to you and she is honest about her feelings. If she’s upset about something, she tells you immediately instead of pretending she’s okay. At the same time, she wants you to be honest with her and share with her what is bothering you.

7. She doesn’t tolerate any unforgivable behavior. She has deep feelings towards you and she’s willing to fight for you and her relationship with you. However if you break her trust and hurt her, she won’t hesitate to walk away. She expects you to respect her and be true to her. And she won’t settle for anything less than what she deserves.

8. She makes you a part of her life. She tells you all about her day-to-day happenings. She introduces you to all the important people around her. She makes time for you no matter how overwhelming life can get. She let you know all about her be it the little things or the big things. She let down her guard and trusts that you are not going to hurt her.

9. She wants to build a future with you. She doesn’t waste her time on casual relationship and that’s why, if she decides to date you, she knows you are someone she can see herself with. She knows that no one is perfect and she accepts you for who you are. When faced with problems, she’s optimistic that you and her are going to overcome all the odds and stay together.

10. She loves you with her whole heart. She doesn’t believe in half- hearted love or withholding her feelings to avoid getting hurt. She loves with everything she has and she’s going to show you everyday how deeply in love she is with you. You are going to find out that being with her is the best thing that ever happened to you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark