You’ve Always Been Enough, You Were Just Loving People Who Couldn’t See It

Allef Vinicius

Until when?

Until the pain becomes numb?

Until you cry your eyes out?

Until no happiness is left in your heart?

Until you become less of the person you are?

Until you question your own worth?

Until you, yourself, no longer believe in love?

Stop right there.

Love isn’t supposed to make you feel worthless.

Love isn’t looking at yourself in the mirror only to question your own worth and beauty.

“Am I not enough?”

“What is wrong with me?”

“Do I deserve this?”

Believe me, you are more than enough.

Believe me, nothing is wrong with you, you are perfect.

You deserve better.

More than that you deserve the best.

Don’t lose yourself trying to convince someone to love you.

Instead, start seeing your own worth.

Don’t ask for what you deserve, know what you deserve.

You are kind.

You are beautiful.

You deserve more than this. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Mary Anne Z. Lupisan

Feelings. Emotions. Longings.

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