I Would Be Lying If I Said I’m Not Looking For My Soulmate

Abigail Keenan

It took me so much courage and strength to tell you this. I know it was not easy for the both of us and will never be. It was not the best decision but I believe this is the best option we can take to be a better person and become the best version of our own.

I know, it may sound irrational but believe me – love will find its way home and God’s time is the only key.

Please forgive me if I was gone for so long.. It has been years that we have not seen each other – held each other’s arms or caress to feel safe and warm. But I know … one day…

One day, we will meet. One day , we will see each other face to face. When that time comes, I know I can proudly say that I am ready to battle around all possible challenges that both of us might encounter.

When that time comes, I know that you are my primary priority next to God. When that time comes, I am bold enough to say that whatever it takes, I will do my best to keep our relationship going and growing.

But for now, go ahead and explore the beauty of this world. Take a moment to discover who you are and what you want.

Do all the crazy things that you think worth doing. Go ahead and take your time. I am not ready yet now. I have other priorities as of the moment. It is not you and I don’t want to end up hurting you so as early as now, I am letting you know that I am doing what I think worth doing – what I think is best for me. I am sorry but my family needs me more than I need you. My dream is pulling me closer to its greater heights. There are still places in this world that I want to travel alone.

Don’t get me wrong Love. I am not selfish – I am just giving ourselves enough time and opportunity to cherish every moment we have with our own lives.

There is no point of rushing, no point of feeling the pressure, no point of proving others that you can love and deserve to be loved. The truth is you are loved. Yes you are!

I would be lying if I tell you now that I am not looking for you in a crowded place, when I am in a coffee shop or just eating at my favorite fast food chain – Yes I am on a look out… just looking out. At one point or another, time will find it’s way for us to meet halfway.

And when that perfect time comes, I know I am ready and I know you are my priority. I have enjoyed life the way I wanted it to be … Soon, in His time, I will enjoy a meaningful life again… with you… creating good memories. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Marco Rosario

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