This Is What Long Distance Love Feels Like

Pexels / Freestocks

This guy I know is so very far away the mountains and ocean are all I see,

But the love we share creates a bridge of hope which brings him close to me.

I feel the wind upon my face a gentle reminder that love is unseen but true,

If I could send a gentle whisper in the wind that blew,

I would whisper sweetheart I love you too.

I gaze upon the ocean as the waves crash ashore,

Feel my heart beating for you give me wings of inspiration making my soul want more.

You are my soul’s recognition of what it needs and cannot live without,

You are the handsome guy in my heart its love no doubt.

The distance may stretch many miles so very far away,

But your love is tattooed upon my heart, you’re my forever love here to stay.

Look upon the stars and at the moon tonight,

The woman who loves you looks at the same bright light.

Remember how I feel is more than emotion it’s my soul speaking to my heart,

Telling me it’s us forever and has been since the very start.

Moments pass and times roll away as the sun fades into the sky,

But remember I will fight for you every second of every day my heart for you will always try. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kimberly Diaz

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