An Open Letter To The Worst Man I’ve Ever Known: Thank You

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I have spent the last two years cursing your name. I still cringe when I think about the cruel and thoughtless things you used to say to me on a daily basis. It was my own fault for staying with you as long as I did – I recognize that – and I take full responsibility for giving you the power to so significantly impact my self-esteem, but that doesn’t make me any less mad at you.

Recently, however, I have come to a liberating realization: I am truly grateful to have had you in my life. You may have burned me, but I have risen from the ashes and want to thank you for positively changing my life forever.

Thank you for forcing me to focus on recovery.

I had fooled myself into thinking I was fully recovered from my eating disorder when we met. Then, with nothing more than a few casual insults about my body hurled my way, that facade came crumbling down and I was sent spiraling back to my old disordered habits. Since leaving you I have gone back to therapy and dedicated tremendous energy to working on recovery, which I so desperately needed.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow as a person.

After I broke up with you I spent a year on my own. I needed the time to reflect on our relationship, why I stayed in it, and to find my way back to a place of self-love and self-respect. That year proved to be one of the most formative of my life. They say that a broken bone, once healed, becomes stronger than ever – just as I am stronger now than I was before I knew you.

Thank you for teaching me to stand up for myself.

When I look back on our time together, my deepest regret is how seldom I stuck up for myself as you tore me down little by little; it physically pains me to recall all those times I sat in silence as you criticized, poked fun, and name-called. If there is one take away lesson that I learned from you, it is to never, ever again remain passive when someone does or says something that hurts me. I have become my own advocate and am more outspoken now than I ever was before.

Thank you for reminding me never to settle.

My God have I become picky since dating you. I was lonely when we met and allowed myself to knowingly settle for something less than I deserved, which is a mistake I will never make again. I have gone on dates with some wonderful (and many less than wonderful) men in the past year, and have refused to commit to any of them – not because I am cold or overly-guarded, but because I know what I want (and what I deserve) and refuse to settle for anything less.

Thank you for teaching me the value of being alone.

I used to be afraid of being alone; the thought of never finding someone to spend my life with terrified me. I now live by the following Warsan Shire quote: “My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.” I am now stronger and more independent than I have ever been, and I know that if and when I do find someone to share my life with, I will be able to commit to them a self-assured individual who doesn’t need – but rather wants – them in my life.

Thank you for helping to shape the woman I am today.

A strong, confident, self-reliant and outspoken woman with a low bullshit tolerance who knows her worth; I could have gotten here without you, but I nevertheless appreciate the part you played in the process.

Thank you, and good riddance. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Jennifer Withers

“I am thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength” – Alexandra Elle

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