For All The Single Women Who Have Stopped Believing That They’re Worthy Of Love

I’ve always been the single girl in my group of friends. Everyone’s got one. The one who always ends up being the third wheel with friends and their boyfriends. The one you’ll call if you want to have a movie night on Valentine’s Day because you know I won’t have plans. The one you definitely shouldn’t ask for guy advice because my experience in that category is pretty slim. The one you’ll call to go out on a Wednesday because you know I’ll be there. The one who you always fix up with your boyfriend’s friends for date parties because I’ve got no prospects of my own.

In high school, my mom always told me the reason I was still single was because everyone was too intimidated to talk to me because they were scared of my brother, who is only one year older than me. When I got to college and made it all four years without anything close to a boyfriend, it was because I was too picky. And no matter how high your self-esteem is or how confident you are in yourself, at some point, you start to question yourself. That little voice in the back of your head wondering, “Maybe it’s me,” starts to get a little louder. And no matter how many times you brush that off, you can’t shake the feeling that you’re doing something wrong.

I don’t say this to make you pity me or my lack of a love life. I say this to the women out there who, like me, at one point or another, have questioned themselves. Who are strong, beautiful, independent women, but occasionally feel like they are not worthy of love. To the girls in high school who feel less than because they don’t have a date to prom. To the women in their 40’s who have yet to marry – you are not alone.

It’s taken me 23 years to realize that there is only one reason I’m still single, and that reason is far greater than you or me. Maybe it’s because we need to learn to stand on our own two feet before we can depend on anyone else.

It could be because we need to learn to love ourselves, I mean really love ourselves, before we can love anyone else.

Or it’s because we need to focus on our goals and aspirations instead of putting someone else’s in front of our own. I can sit here and name dozens of reasons why we’re still single, but the reality is there is only one reason that really matters. And that reason has a whole lot to do with the Lord’s great plan for your life. He has not put you on this Earth without a purpose and your purpose, for now, has nothing to do with a man. So instead of questioning your self worth, try to remember that He is preparing you and your heart for the man He knows you deserve.

In the meantime, know that you are more than the one night stands you had in college. You are more than the guy you met at the bar last weekend that won’t text you back. You are more than the guy you met on Tinder that only wants one thing. And most importantly, you are more than any guy who doesn’t see your worth.

So while you wait for the Lord’s plan to come to fruition, remember to love yourself. Know that it is not you. And never forget that you are worthy. That we are worthy of love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Tarah Mason

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