The Beautiful Truth About Women Who Love Christ

Ben White

I find Proverbs 31 is a fascinating verse in the whole bible. I still love every part of God’s Word that has been revealed throughout the history from the time of Prophets to Apostles, but this closing chapter of a book of Proverbs is very special. It describes a Woman of God – the highest creation that God has beautifully created as a man’s equal helper. This is how God desired His daughters to live,

She Does Not Need Anyone to Prove Her Worth

A woman who loves Christ knows her worth since she was found in her Creator’s eyes. Loving eyes that say “You are forgiven. You are mine. You are loved”. She knows that she is created in God’s image, so she protects and preserves her heart only to a man who will ask God’s permission to have her. She is not looking around for love and assurance from any man, but she will carefully examine her own feelings and surrender it to her Savior – the only Man who proved His love for her on the cross – through prayer. She has experienced the greatest love story that ever told far before she meets a man who will find her in the presence of God.

She Laughs Without Fear of The Future

She has come to a point where everything that once is so certain, disappears. Things change or maybe it never was. She has to go back to live in the unknown and it is the last place where she wants to be. Not knowing is overwhelming; but she knows that the unknown is the right place to put her trust in God, to strengthen her faith, to live a life fearlessly. Having faith in the unknown means believing in the things she has not seen coming yet. It means pressing the natural force that once affects her feelings negatively, and there she believes that the God she knows will allow her to witness another miracle.

She Forgives Easily

No matter how much damage you have caused her, she forgives easily. She will express disappointment and cry herself at night, but hating you is something she just could not do. She is the reflection of the Person who lives within her, who always shower her with mercy and love whenever she falls. Her best way of revenge is to give anyone who has caused her pain, a kindness they do not deserve – just like what Christ always do to her.

She is Clothed With Strength and Dignity

She stays strong even every part of her has fallen apart. She will gather every scattered piece of her heart and hand it to her Savior – the One who make all things new. When she finally caught up in His Grace one more time, she will raise up, straighten her crown, and keep walking, knowing that Strength and Dignity are her cloth.

She Speaks With Wisdom and Faithful Instruction is on Her Tongue

She is gentle in her words even in the midst of anger because the Holy Spirit lives in her. The King of the universe called her “My Daughter”, she believes and she acts and speaks like the found Princess she is. When circumstance tries to shake her identity, she would break but it won’t be long until she remembers whose daughter she is.

Being a Proverbs 31 woman is not a goal. It is who you are in Christ. It is the way He chooses to see you, even when you do not feel like one. If you lose faith today, I want you to know that you are not defined by people’s opinion or even your own opinion. You worth is far more than rubies because of the One person who died in your place to win your heart. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Merlina Yuliana

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