This Guy Texted His GF’s Ex To Brag About ‘Getting To Fuck Her Now’, But He Was About To Get Fucked In Another Way

Unsplash / Josh Felise and Imgur / brokendalek
Unsplash / Josh Felise and Imgur / brokendalek

It can be hard watching your ex move on, especially when you’re forced to confront the fact that they maybe they’re better off without you. This guy probably wasn’t expecting his ex-girlfriend’s new hook up to reach out to reach out to him, and yet somehow, he was so prepared that it feels as if he had been waiting his whole life for that very moment.

From the first text, it was a pretty nasty confrontation.

Imgur / brokendalek
Imgur / brokendalek

Relevant question: Does this girl have any idea that her new boo is spreading these photos around?

Imgur / brokendalek
Imgur / brokendalek

Naturally, the conversation only got worse from there.

Imgur / brokendalek
Imgur / brokendalek

And that’s when the ex decided to drop the biggest bombshell of all:

Imgur / brokendalek
Imgur / brokendalek

Mic drop, anyone?

Modern dating is the absolute worst, but at least it’s somewhat entertaining when you observe it from a very, very safe distance. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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