The 5 Types Of Men You Can’t Help But Fall For (No Matter How Hard You Try Not To)

William Stitt
William Stitt

Most girls get attracted to guys not just by mere physical appearance or physique, (although looks sometimes really do matter) but by character. Character nowadays has become a huge factor for somebody to be attracted to a certain person.

Lately, observations and realizations have allowed me to ponder about the kinds of men we encounter. We encounter guys who are very easy to get along with and make girls feel special, but don’t have the intention of pursuing them or establishing a relationship. Here are some of the characteristics of guys who intentionally (or unintentionally), make girls fall for them.

1. The Charmer.

Most of these guys have a great sense of humor. They are easy to get along with and have lots of things to tell you. You can listen to them nonstop. You can’t seem to get your eyes off of them. You pay attention to everything they say, to every move they make, and to every smile they give you.

2. The Gentleman.

These guys do things that are rare these days, doing simple things that other guys never would of thought of doing, either because they are too lazy or they just don’t care.

These are the ones who ask you how you’re doing, and what you’ve been up to lately. They ask trivial things about you. They pay attention to you when they are actually with you. They put in effort in getting to know you and like to make you feel that you matter or that somebody has noticed you.

3. The Urbane Guy.

These are the type of guys to whom everything comes easy. It’s not hard for them to make friends, to mingle, or to be around people. They are natural charmers. To have conversations, are their natural inclinations.

4. The Witty Guy.

These kinds of guys are smart and a guy who has this kind of intellect, becomes very attractive. Girls easily fall for guys who have this type of character. It just seems so easy for them to make quick and smart decisions.

5. Mr. Nice Guy.

These are the kind of guys who can sweep you off your feet because they seem to be always in a good mood and are always enjoying life. They never seem to be offended by anything. They’re naturally sweet and kind and you rarely see them get pissed off. They always have a smile plastered on their face.

When you meet guys who have the above five distinguishing characteristics, you most likely have encountered the type of guy who makes you fall, but ever ends up catching you.

These guys are the kind of people who never promise anything, but say everything you hope to hear.

They’re the kind of guys who makes you feel everything that you are wanting to feel. They are the kind of guys who do everything that you’re expecting to see. Most of the time they don’t fail your expectations. In fact, sometimes, they go above and beyond on what you’ve imagined them to do.

But unfortunately, you never will be together. He’s nice, not just to you, but to everyone else. He’s just naturally sweet and charming. Yet, here you are, expecting. A hopeful girl wishing she’d be noticed by this very charming guy. And yes, you can blame yourself for feeling these things but, sometimes it’s unavoidable. 

Girls are inclined to be emotional, thus having the tendency to fall easily, deeply and readily. But what makes all of this still a positive thing, is that you get inspired from falling in love. The feelings you harbor make you happy. They make you happy. And despite the negative notions for this matter, I believe that anything that can make a person happy and alive, is a good thing.

Sometimes, we just need a little bit of those things in life to make our existence here in this world just a little bit brighter.Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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