Don’t Text Him


Don’t text him. Put your phone down, dear. Because it’s not worth all the sleepless nights, the what-if’s, the pillows stained with tears.

Don’t text him. Because that gives him the power to come and go as he pleases, then affection all of a sudden ceases.

Don’t text him. Because that means undoing all the getting over him you have done. Giving him all your love until there was none.

Don’t text him. Because his sweet words tasted oh so good at first, but the cavities that plagued forever curse.

Don’t text him. Because though there were sunny days, it changed by season, and love shouldn’t need a reason.

Don’t text him. Because deep down you know he doesn’t care, being strung along isn’t fair.

Don’t text him. Because one day you will forget his name, wasting no more time in senseless games.

Don’t text him. Because the love you give is for a few, to be cherished and preserved, save it for someone new. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Jenifer Chong

Jenifer is a single 20-something originally from the East Coast who eventually made the big move to California after college.

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