21 Anti-Valentine’s Day Movies Streaming On Netflix Right Now

Jacob Culp
Jacob Culp

Does anyone ever really like Valentine’s Day? If you’re single, it’s a day when no one spontaneously buys you drugstore chocolates and you seriously contemplate adopting a dog. If you’re in a relationship, you suddenly find yourself thrust into the Love Olympics: buying one of those jumbo cards that would swallow up a child, trying to bribe your way into an overpriced restaurant, or hoping your significant other wasn’t lying when they said you can totally skip the holiday this year (better buy that pink stuffed bear just in case). Valentine’s Day is a recipe for the blues no matter what your relationship status is, so why not get all your pent up rage at St. Valentine out with a good old-fashioned Anti-Valentine’s Day movie on Netflix?

Netflix has a wealth of movies about relationships gone bad, singles living it up, and cinematic reminders not to trust every handsome stranger who comes knocking on your door. Love is weird, complicated, and sometimes deadly – both in real life and on the big screen.

So whether you are single AF and plan on hunkering down for the evening with a glass of wine that will save you from feeling like you’re the homely sister in a Jane Austen novel, or a happily married couple who want to celebrate by peacing out on the whole sordid affair, here are some of the best Anti-Valentine’s Day movies to watch!

1. Heathers

The ’80s classic never gets old. It’s a story about climbing to the top of the high school hierarchy which just so happens to feature one of movie history’s deadliest and most dysfunctional couples. Watch as Winona Ryder’s Veronica becomes infatuated with resident bad boy J.D., only to realize he’s way too unstable to be anyone’s steady. By the time the credits role, you will be high on girl power as Veronica conquers the cutthroat world of high school all on her own.

2. It Follows

Need a good reason to be thankful you’re not in the dating game? This sleeper hit about a sexually transmitted haunting will do the trick.

3. Practical Magic

Nothing is more powerful than the bond between sisters. Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman take on family curses, abusive exes, and embracing their inner witches in a movie that’s both funny and a reminder romantic love isn’t the only kind of love that is important.

4. Basic Instinct

Sure, this movie is sexy. But make no mistake, Sharon Stone’s Catherine and Michael Douglas’ Nick are all kinds of messed up. They are the poster children for destructive relationships, and their twisted affair will make you think twice about getting too close to the next hot stranger you meet.

5. The Shining

If marriage means moving your family into an isolated house of horrors so your husband can pen the next great American novel while slowly going insane, is it really worth it?

6. The Overnight

Being in a relationship means doing weird stuff to keep the romance alive. Unfortunately, for the couple in the woefully underrated The Overnight that means getting duped into swinging with Jason Schwartzman and Judith Godrèche. Hilarious and cringe-inducing at the same time, this is one marriage comedy that won’t leave you pining for a significant other.

7. Tallulah

A Netflix original about ditching bad boyfriends and building a family in the most unexpected of places, Tallulah puts platonic love front and center. The standout performances from Allison Janney and Ellen Page make them worthy Valentine companions for your evening of Netflix and chilling on your own.

8. The Invitation

It is impossible to say much about this dinner party from hell without giving away the game, but, to put it mildly, the takeaway is never accept an invitation from your ex.

9. Frances Ha

Frances is wild, free, and refreshingly single. Love interests come and go in this sparkling tale of a modern New York woman, but self-realization proves to be the ultimate goal.

10. August: Osage County

Settle in for a film about a family of fierce women unafraid to fight their way to the top of the family tree after the death of their patriarch. The verbal battles are like snippets of a lost Tennessee Williams play, drawing you deep into the story of a brutal familial battle where romance is the farthest thing from the character’s minds.

11. Under the Tuscan Sun

It looks like a rom-com and sounds like a rom-com, but Under the Tuscan Sun is a sneakily subversive film about finding fulfillment within a community instead of with a significant other.

12. Alfie

Once you watch the deliciously caddish Alfie sleep his way across New York City with little to no remorse, any desire you had to call the guy you met on Tinder will disappear faster than your movie snacks.

13. For a Good Time Call

There is a romantic subplot in phone sex comedy For a Good Time Call, but it is nothing compared to the female friendship at the film’s center. Make no mistake, this is the story of two young women discovering themselves and forging an unbreakable friendship – the boys are left firmly on the side in this movie.

14. The Guest

Hey, just because Dan Stevens shows up at your door doesn’t mean you have to let him in. Thrilling and deeply unsettling, The Guest takes you on a ride so wild you will forget all about your Valentine’s Day anger.

15. Your Sister’s Sister

Dating is only good for giving people headaches and unexpected crises. Just ask Mark Duplass, who finds himself unwittingly stuck between the woman he has a crush on and a pregnancy scheme hatched by her sister’s sister in a mumblecore masterpiece you need in your life.

16. All Good Things

Even Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Dunst can’t make their marriage last in this movie about what happens when a relationship falls apart. Watching their characters slowly tear each down acts as a sad reminder love doesn’t come with any guarantees.

17. A Single Man

Colin Firth is mesmerizing as a man unable to move past his lover’s death. The sorrow contained in every flawlessly directed scene will leave you absorbed in the wrenching tale about the unforgiving weight of a broken heart from start to finish.

18. Atonement

A pesky little sister makes sure star-crossed lovers stay star-crossed forever in this war drama that is at once the perfect Anti-Valentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day movie.

19. The Graduate

Being young and in love is great until reality sets in and you realize you just threw away all of your prospects on a maybe. The Graduate is a classic film about youthful indecision and the dark side of suburbia – it is also the perfect film to watch when you want your suspicions that love is a sham confirmed.

20. Kill Me Three Times

Imagine being in a marriage so broken your husband puts a hit out on you. Absurd and way funnier than it has any right to be, Kill Me Three Times will have you rooting for its beleaguered hit man played by the always spectacular Simon Pegg.

21. While You Were Sleeping

Oh, you thought this movie was a rom-com? Watch it again. Just trust me on this one.

Happy Anti-Valentine’s Day, everyone! May Netflix fill your night with absolutely no happily ever afters.Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Maria Santos

Maria is an aspiring writer who loves 80s music, classic movies, and romance novels.

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