This Is The Kind Of Love Worth Fighting For

Fight for the kind of love that makes you feel whole on your own but stronger when they’re standing next to you.

Fight for the kind of love that makes you feel as if you’re growing and thriving and learning something new about the other person every single day.

Fight for the kind of love that makes you feel close to them but also close to yourself, because loving them deeply and fully does not mean that you have to let go of the person that you are on your own.

Fight for the kind of love that makes you actually want to be selfless sometimes. Not because it’s fun, but because you care about the other person so much that their happiness is a worthy tradeoff for you not getting your way.

Fight for the kind of love that makes you sleep better at night knowing their body is warm and safe next to you.

Fight for the kind of love that helps you to realize that you’re not perfect, and that someone else loves you unconditionally because of this. 

Fight for the kind of love that is so wonderful, and so tender, that you can’t help but believe in a stronger goodness in the universe, simply because you’ve found a person who can make you feel so incredible.

Fight for the kind of love that gets stronger and even more unshakeable from depression, or anxiety, or financial stress, or the death of a parent, or weight gain, or crippling insecurity, or job loss. Fight for the kind of love that is scared of these things, but never deterred by them.

Fight for the kind of love that makes you care about someone else a thousand times more than you care about yourself. Fight for the kind of love that makes you trust in this feeling, because you know without a doubt that they care about you a thousand times more than they care about themselves.

Fight for the kind of love that makes your heart feel powerful and vulnerable at the same time.  

Fight for the kind of love that you deserve. Which means a love that is truthful, honest, challenging, scary, enchanting, beautifully imperfect, real, difficult, and worth it – all at the same time. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kim Quindlen

I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.

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