The Texts This Cheating Girlfriend Sent To Try To Get Her Ex Back Are Hilariously Clueless

Pixabay / StockSnap
Pixabay / StockSnap

Cheaters are just totally awful. Like, if you don’t want to be with someone anymore, why don’t you just break up?? Luckily, I’ve only been cheated on once — and that was in high school — but I still remember that it was really depressing.

ANYWAY, Imgur user  tells the story of how he was in this happy relationship with a girl, that was, until he discovered that she had been cheating on him with some dude. He immediately tells his girlfriend that she needs to move out, and that they are 100% done, but she has some trouble accepting it.

Below is the text convo between the cheating girlfriend and her ex. As you read her messages, you get the sense that she totally doesn’t get that she did something wrong.

via Imgur
via Imgur


Like WTF?! Does this girl not realize her actions impact other people? And she’s “sorry”? Like sucks to suck.

But wait, it gets crazier.

via Imgur
via Imgur

So she FINALLY reveals who she cheated on her BF with. This dude Darrel — who is f*cking ENGAGED!

via Imgur
via Imgur

But now she stoops even lower. Because he’s refusing to get back together, she threatens that he’ll have to pay child support. Except…it isn’t his kid LMAO! I’m guessing her pregnancy might be how the boyfriend figured out she was cheating in the first place?

via Imgur
via Imgur

He goes on to clarify that he didn’t really kick her cat out:


But this girl needs to get Muffin, and GTFO. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Clint Conway

Very famous IRL (at least to my son!)

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