Love Is Not The Same In Your Twenties (And That’s A Good Thing)

 Clay Banks
Clay Banks

When I was in my early teen, I thought an adult relationship is something that comes straight out of the Titanic movie. It would be a relationship that involves two lovers, who solemnly sworn to love each other with utmost respect and trust. They would hold hands only in private, not in public because PDA is for teens. They don’t do baby talk, they drink wine in fancy wine glasses, and they would discuss politics instead of memes. I observed how the adults in my family exhibited their deep affection for each other, and I was hopeful that one day I get to be as mature as them.

But here I am, in my mid-twenties, and I could say that my childhood fairy tale is fairly ruined. I’ve been through different types of relationships, and nothing fits exactly to what I had dreamed about.

My favorite dates have always involved a casual wine drinking session by the park while gulping the entire cheaply designed bottle and filling our drunken face with Pringles. If we have no place to fool around, we will sit by the park, casually biting each other’s lips for everyone to see.

Our conversation’s highlights are dog memes and animal videos because business and politics seem to stand beyond our callow interest. It seems as if a few years have passed, but our way of courting is stuck in our teenage years.

But sometimes, it feels good to stay juvenile. I can’t imagine how sterile my relationship would be if I can’t make poop jokes with my significant other. I want someone to make love with, but I wish he would also enjoy a belly high-five with me. We would finish each other’s sentence, and we wouldn’t mind doing baby talk with our friends around.

In the end, love isn’t about how you display it in front of others. It’s about what suits your fancy. If the adult way doesn’t work for you, it’s okay to do your own thing. Love is non-judgmental. It’s pure, regardless of the gross couple nickname you two give to each other. It is not their place to judge us, nor it’s our right to judge other couples around us.

So fall in love, make a fool out of yourself, and don’t be afraid to stay young!  Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Çanti Widyadhari

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