50 Important Questions To Ask Yourself As 2016 Draws To A Close

What did you do for the last time in 2016?


Worthy Of Elegance
Worthy Of Elegance

1. What made you feel the most alive this year?

2. How did you surprise yourself in 2016?

3. What did you do this year that you regret?

4. What made you cry the hardest this year?

5. Which friends have been there for you the most in 2016?

6. What are you most grateful for as this year draws to a close?

7. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

8. What did you do to take care of yourself this year?

9. Where was the best place you traveled to this year?

10. What did you do for the first time in 2016?

11. What did you do for the last time in 2016?

12. Which days from 2016 will you never forget?

13. What did you accomplish this year that you’re proud of?

14. Who did you need to forgive this year?

15. What were you most afraid of this year?

16. How did life surprise you this year?

17. How was this year better than 2015?

18. How was this year worse than 2015?

19. Who did you miss the most over the past year?

20. What was the most valuable thing you spent money on this year?

21. What did you waste too much money on this year?

22. How did you spend your birthday this year?

23. What was the best book you read in 2016?

24. What do you wish you’d spent more time doing this year?

25. What do you wish you’d spent less time doing?

26. What made you the angriest in 2016?

27. When did you feel the most at peace this year?

28. What is the biggest risk you took in 2016?

29. What made you laugh the hardest this year?

30. What ended for you in 2016?

31. What began for you in 2016?

32. What song will always remind you of this year?

33. How did this year differ from the way you thought it would go?

34. How would you describe your personal style over the past year?

35. Who in your life did you look up to the most this year?

36. Which quote best sums up the past year for you?

37. Did you fall in love this year?

38. Did your heart break this year?

39. What was your favorite TV show in 2016?

40. Which (if any) new years resolutions did you keep this year?

41. Which (if any) new years resolutions will you be making for next year?

42. What disappointed you the most in 2016?

43. Who did you rely on the most in 2016?

44. Who might you owe an apology to at the end of this year?

45. How did you grow as a person over the past year?

46. What made you feel the most stuck this year?

47. What made you feel the most inspired this year?

48. If you could go back and give yourself a single piece of advice on the first day of 2016, what would it be?

49. What’s the most important thing you learned this year?

50. What do you hope will be different for you by this time next year? Thought Catalog Logo Mark