It’s Okay To Feel The Pain Of Heartbreak (Again)

Matthew Wiebe
Matthew Wiebe

In the beginning of 2016, I decided to write down my new year’s resolution differently. I wrote boldly “It is okay to fall, to break and to feel the pain one more time. These things won’t kill you like it never did.”

In life, we all face betrayal, dishonesty, heartbreak after heartbreak to the degree that we cannot trust anyone completely. Sometimes, it even caused by the person we truly care about and when they go, they take away our dreams, values, and self-confidence with them. For some of us, it takes years to mend the wound. It is traumatic. We do not even realize that it shapes us into a whole new different person. I said ‘new’ because we are not going to be the same person anymore after all that has happened. The worst thing about it is, we cannot prepare ourselves for it. It still comes, even we do not want it. Mercilessly.

One of the wise men I know once said ‘Things come and go and I believe it is for the best.’ It is easier to be said than done but that word helps me to feel better. A good thing about pain is it provides you with the strength you need for the next challenge. Be present in the healing process, breath, absorb the emotion to the very bones and let the pain take away all of our tears. That is how we know that we are unbreakable. I have read an inspiring word from one masterpiece that has been forgotten. It said, “A beautiful person does not just happen, it is shaped and nurtured.”

Circumstance will not always be in our favor, and most of the time, it doesn’t. We do not have a sufficient power to control our surroundings to be all good all the time, but certainly, we can decide either to give in or to stand firm. Let the lesson teach us what we need to learn and let us take an advantage of wisdom that it leaves us with.

In the end, just like a shell that survives the pain, you will be rewarded with a beautiful pearl. It’s called soul. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Merlina Yuliana

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