The Stressful Truth About Wedding Planning No One Likes To Admit


Remember the movie The Wedding Planner? With the never-aging Jennifer Lopez and the jaw-dropping Matthew McConaughy?

Remember how planning a wedding seemed like a breeze? They went to look at gorgeous venues, pick out flowers, and take dance lessons – and mind you, there was no freak out about any of it?? Well that movie is complete baloney.

Planning a wedding is stressful.

I honestly do not understand the couples who get married in under a year; it took me more than a month to just pick out the perfect bridesmaid dresses let alone get anything else done! Hell – my fiancé and I were already starting to plan our wedding before our engagement, and I still feel like time is limited! How do people do it? Please, for the love of God, direct me towards the women who have declared wedding planning to be “fun” because I would like to smother them with a pillow in their sleep.

I bow down to wedding planners everywhere. They must be like God to the brides who hire them. I’m a poor college student who was hesitant about even hiring a day-of wedding coordinator, but I pulled the trigger and she’s already been a lifesaver thus far. So I completely understand why people willingly dish out thousands and thousands of dollars on someone whose job is handling all this crap. Looking back I probably would’ve sold one of my kidneys on the black market in order to relieve all of the stress and anxiety and panic attacks I’ve endured. Like, really? Shouldn’t planning your wedding be fun?

Don’t get me wrong – there have been moments where I’ve taken a step back to breathe it all in and enjoy the making of what will be the happiest day of our life. But the months leading up to it have been and will be the most stressful months I’ve ever lived through. And I’m an English major. With papers and finals and readings due every week. I’ve lived through hell, but this?! It’s ridiculous. Like HOLY shit there has already been an insane amount of blood, sweat, and tears gone into planning this day and we still have three months to go.

So props to you if you’ve also put your special day together on your own. And congratulations/beware if you have recently became engaged.

Just make sure you put your big girl pants on, have a tub of ice cream near you at all times, have your psychiatrist on speed dial, and brace yourself for lots of tears. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Elizabeth Franks

I love cheese, hats, and places that take my breath away

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