Just So You Know, You Are Beautiful

Tyler Rayburn
Tyler Rayburn

You stare at yourself in the mirror looking deeply in your eyes, trying to find the answer to why he left you.

He probably told you, “It’s not you, it’s me” or even the more infamous cliché, “You deserve better”. You’re this close to believing him when you suddenly realize that no, you don’t want someone better, you want him.

You then lie on your bed, flat on your back, with your arms stretched out and your phone raised as you go through the contents of your camera roll. Little did you know that the more pictures you swiped through, the more you’d remember specific moments you experienced with him.

Next, you scroll through your messages and re-read the texts he sent you. You’ve already memorized most of them. You’re still waiting for the day when he’ll finally text you back again, but deep inside you know that will never happen.

Every time a romantic song plays, your thoughts are completely filled with him. Allowing the lyrics to have a deeper meaning. Soon, you force yourself to ask, “Is he happy without me?”

You conclude that he left you because you’re not beautiful enough.

But listen to me, you are.

You are beautiful to your family, friends, classmates and teammates. You are so set on focusing to that one guy who left you when so many other guys are secretly in love with you.

You are beautiful to the people you spend your weekdays and weekends with; and the people who you cried with when Jack died of hypothermia and sank into the water.

You are beautiful to the people who are able to witness your warm-hearted smile and adorable laugh. You are beautiful because you make people happy, and it’s time to remove that frown from your face and wipe those tears from your eyes. It’s time to focus on the people who do appreciate you and are fortunate to have you. You will realize that you are blessed to have them.

It’s time to go out with these people and make new memories with them. They don’t always have to be family, sometimes they are your best friends. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Jesu Nadal

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