19 People Who Didn’t Believe In Romance On The One Epic Date That Changed Their Mind

"We went to a Chinese restaurant and sat by the cheap fish tank. He told me the names of all the fish over lo mein."


Brayden Heath / Lightstock
Brayden Heath / Lightstock
Brayden Heath / Lightstock

1. It Was Supposed To Be A Hookup

I was meeting a guy for dinner and a hookup. We ate at a pizza place and just fucking Clicked, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so excited to be eating with someone. We walked back to my apartment but it started pouring rain and we were freezing and soaked by the time we got back. I let him use my shower and borrow some dry clothes. By the time we were clean and dry, we were too tired for sex and I said he could stay the night so he didn’t have to go back out into the rain. We went to bed but ended up lying awake and talking until 5:00 in the morning. It has been about two years now and we are very happy together.


2. She Was All Smiles

I met her at a mall a week and a half after we met. We had been talking a ton via text message the last week and a half, but she had been out of town so we couldn’t meet up. She was all smiles the whole time. We didn’t even do anything, we just sat talking for a few hours in a less populated corner of the mall. (One of the largest malls in America.) I kissed her and she almost died from happiness… I’m not even joking, she couldn’t contain herself, it was so adorable.

She is now my fiancè. I proposed at the same spot.


3. Couldn’t Even Play It Cool

My first date with my wife was great simply because we clicked on every level. We both pretended to be busy for the next week so we wouldn’t appear to be too needy, but we talked on the phone every night. Our second date has lasted almost 29 years so far.
