19 Things You Should Never Say To A College Senior

Zach McCaffree
Zach McCaffree

1. “What are your plans after graduation?”

2. “You know, I have a friend of a friend whose son already has a job lined up for next year.”

3. “So, do you still see yourself with your boyfriend/girlfriend after graduation?”

4. “How cute would it be if you guys got an apartment together!?”

5. “Oh, but do you even think you’re ready for that?”

6. “You know, young marriage is actually coming back as a trend.”

7. “Do you want to do what you majored in??”

8. “Some people say that a college degree is not nearly as necessary as a graduate degree.”

9. “Are you putting yourself out there? Are you reaching out to people?”

10. “You know, I have a second cousin whose best friend’s sister works in publishing. Should I reach out for you?”

11. “Follow year heart! The rest will follow!”

12. “Where do you see yourself five, 10 or 15 years down the road?”

13. “Have you started saving yet?”

14. “There is nothing wrong with moving back home. There’s no stigma!”

15. “Why was that your major if you already knew it didn’t have the earning potential you would want?”

16. “Are your parents going to help you with money after graduation?”

17. “You should really let me set you up with some professionals. You know what they say, always take a meeting.”

18. “Why would you want to move to THAT city? I hear the crime rate’s really high.”

19. “You’re about to leave the best four years of your life! Are you just, like, so upset?” Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Liz James

Liz was born, raised, and schooled in the Chicago area. Every year, she is sure the Cubs will win the World Series, and one of these years, she’ll be right.

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