15 Questions That Will Tell You If You’re Addicted To Porn (So You Can Get Yourself Some Help Already)



Denial is the single biggest factor holding men back from tackling pornography use in their lives.

I remember when I used to sway between accepting that I couldn’t quit watching porn and feeling that I had it under control.

Let me make one thing clear:

For most guys, eliminating masturbation and pornography from your life will be the ONLY catalyst for your success in life. By success, I mean- whatever you have wanted in life that has been eluding you:

More sex.

A relationship.

A better work ethic.

More money.

Starting a business.

Performing better at school.

Building your ideal physique.

Many guys, after quitting porn will never need “motivation” in the form of books, blogposts, youtube videos, and so on.

The very process of overcoming porn use permanently will forge you into the man that you need to be.

Beating porn becomes the crucible in which your manhood is forged.

I’m going to make it very simple for you today:

If you’re not sure whether pornography is a problem for you, if you’re in denial, ask yourself these 15 questions:

  1. Do you ever spend more time than you had planned looking at porn?
  2. Do you spend more time looking at porn than you did when you first started looking at it?
  3. Has your job or school work suffered as a result of of your pornography use?
  4. Have any of your relationships with family and/or friends gotten worse since this habit started?
  5. Have you noticed any changes in your mood or self confidence since you began looking at pornography?
  6. Do you have difficulty concentrating on things you need to because you have thoughts and fantasies about pornography on your mind?
  7. Do you find it hard to stop looking at porn even when you really want to?
  8. Has anyone ever forced you to view pornography?
  9. Have you ever been sexually abused and find yourself turning to porn as a way to make sense of your trauma?
  10. Do you spend more time alone than you used to?
  11. Have you ever lied to cover up your porn use?
  12. Do you regularly turn to porn for information about sex?
  13. Have you ever stolen money or used someone else’s credit card to purchase pornography?
  14. Do you have increased difficulty interacting with members of the opposite sex?
  15. Do you find yourself aroused by sexual images involving violence,animals or children?

If you answered YES to ANY of the 15 questions, then you have a problem with pornography which requires help.

If you are in your teens, your biggest problem with viewing porn is that your sexual health will be compromised. You risk suffering from serious porn induced erectile dysfunction.

If you are in your twenties, this is the decade that moulds you into a certain type of person. Your twenties are the most important decade of your life. Porn will affect every area of your life and eventually, by the time you hit your 30’s homeostasis will kick in and it will be too late. Basically, your personality is permanently set by the time you are 30 – your destiny is more or less written in stone. Do not let porn influence that.

If you are in your thirties and beyond, you are going to need take your shit to the next level. Your brain is wired for good. You will most likely need serious coaching, therapy or a combination of both to give up porn.

Don’t get me wrong—if you are absolutely sick and tired of pornography in your life and committed to get rid of it for good, The Quit Porn Program will get you there—but ONLY is you are committed to action.

So there you go guys – 15 questions to ask yourself today to figure out if you have a problem with porn.

No more denial. No more excuses. Beat your porn habit today. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Chris Haven

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