I Hope That You Only Remember The Best Parts Of Me

 Jonas Weckschmied
Jonas Weckschmied

If we ever part ways, I hope that you won’t remember us by the heart break, the unimaginable pain, and the rivers of tears.

I hope that you’ll remember me by all the happiest times that we had together. The times we sat under the night sky and talked about our ideal future with each other.

I hope that you will remember all the different ways we fell in love — in the busiest downtown streets under the most immaculate bird’s-eye view, in the peaceful park at night by the quietest wooden bench, under the moonlight where you whispered to me that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me.

Please, remember the moments. Of laughter, of happiness, of times we simply felt … alive. The moments when we were absolutely certain that we never want to live our lives apart from one another. The moments we promised each other that we will love the other to the ends of the universe. The moments when you wrapped me inside your warm embrace, neither of us ever wanting to leave.

I hope that you’ll remember the versions of me that never gave up on us. Time after time.

I hope that one day when we’re old and grey, I’ll be sitting right beside you reminiscing on the wonderful journey that we trekked through together.

But if, for some reason, we are miles apart in our own separate worlds, I hope that you’ll still look up at the brilliant stars at night and think of me, and all the beautiful ways we fell in love.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Wanni Zhang

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