For Every Girl About To Give Up On Him

Caden Crawford
Caden Crawford

I know you’ve been there before. You’ve been there way too many times. When you wanted to hold on, to fight, and to never give up. But one way or another, it always ends. It ends because honestly, love works that way. It needs two people to build love, but takes only one to end it.

I know you’ve been there way too many times that right now, you have grown strong and you think that it’s okay if people will leave you. You think that you’re strong enough to handle being alone, that you’re strong enough to watch people come and go.

But don’t.
Don’t let him go.

Don’t let him go. You look at him and all you see is a man who loves you. Who loves you and all your battle scars from your past, all your bitterness and doubt, all your pain and worries, all your happiness and fear. He loves you. He loves the way you smile with his most stupid jokes. He loves the way your head naturally falls onto his shoulder when you fall asleep watching his sports. He loves the way you try to cook but always fail. He loves the way you sound when you try to speak in between your laughter.

He loves the way you are. He loves you. And I know that for sure, you feel that. I know for sure that you feel how worthy he is after going through all so many pains and heartaches and breaks up. And break ups. Especially break ups. Because all those break ups left you with stories, and what ifs and questions. That is why right now, you feel that everything leads to break up. Everything has to end.

But don’t.
Don’t let him go.

You look at him and all you see is a man you can live without. He may love and you may love him back. And then what’s next? Issues? Doubts? Fears? Promises? Fights? Loneliness? Sleepless nights? Love? Kisses? Promises? Fights? And then break up? Exactly how all of your seemingly perfect love story ended?

Don’t let him go.

Because if you tried holding on and fight for those men who you once loved before, who hurt you and caused you pain you thought you couldn’t get through, you should fight for this man who’s fighting for you and holding on to you.

If you risked it all for someone who proved himself unworthy, why don’t you risk it all once more for someone who’s trying his best to be?

Don’t let him go.

Don’t let yourself have another wonderful story that ends tragically. You deserve to write the love story that doesn’t just have an ending because this man is a new chapter.

Don’t let him go.

Because those people left you t make room for this man. Those people left you because they were not meant for you.

They were not destined to hold your hand when you’re in fear, they were not destined to be on the other end of the telephone call when you have the greatest news to break. They were not destined to grow old with you and build families and have children with you. And maybe, just maybe, this man is the one destined to walk into your life and be that man you ever wanted to have. To bring answers to all the questions your past left you with, and bring answers to the questions you were afraid to ask.

Don’t let him go because I promise you, if you just hold on to him, he will not let you go. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kianne Namit

The world deserves my stories. Because in darkness, there is beauty.

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