130 Uncommon Ways To Say ‘I Love You’ To Your Guy

Jörg Schubert
Jörg Schubert

These are written as ways for wives to tell their husbands “I love you,” but this list is also excellent for husbands looking for creative ways to show love to their wives as well! All of these ideas may not be the perfect fit for your spouse. But with 130 ideas, I can guarantee that you’ll find quite a few that your husband or wife would love!

1. Post something awesome about him on social media.

2. Buy him a special treat at the grocery store.

3. Write “I love you” in pasta noodles on his dinner plate.

4. Help him learn a skill he’s been wanting to learn.

5. Skype or use FaceTime when he travels.

6. Fix his favorite dessert (or make something scrumptious from this Pinterest dessert board).

7. Compliment him on his outfit.

8. Write SHMILY (“See How Much I Love You”) on a fogged up mirror after his shower.

9. Share a favorite memory from your wedding/honeymoon.

10. Start a “What I love about you” war of notes. Watch what happened when my husband and I did this for a few days!

11. Draw him a hot bath.

12. Take extra good care of him when he’s sick (here’s our favorite ways to kick a cold).

13. Make/buy his favorite food from childhood.

14. Say I’m sorry.

15. Kiss him unexpectedly.

16. Go on a walk together.

17. Put your arm around him while driving.

18. Say something nice about him in front of someone else.

19. Give him tickets to his favorite band.

20. Let him choose.

21. Send flowers just because.

22. Call him to say hi.

23. Make him a mug that says something you love about him.

24. Clean his car.

25. Take his clothes to the dry cleaner.

26. Replace old photos of the two of you with updated pictures.

27. Fix his favorite dinner.

28. Make breakfast in bed.

29. Take a fun selfie together.

30. Put a love note in his lunch.

31. Share a favorite family memory together.

32. Tell him why you chose him to be your husband.

33. Take him to his favorite restaurant.

34. Text him with your favorite three words to describe him (and include lots of hearts).

35. Massage his feet after a long day.

36. Give him a neck rub.

37. Massage his muscles after a heavy workout.

38. Write a note telling him 3 things you love about him.

39. Tell him he looks sexy in his work clothes.

40. Pray for him. Watch what I do every day to pray for my husband and kids!

41. Offer to drive on a long trip when he’s tired.

42. Read a book about growing your marriage and implement the principles yourself.

43. If you typically put the kids to bed together, offer to put the kids to bed by yourself.

44. Light a candle with a scent he’d love.

45. Visit the spot where you were married (and a take a photo).

46. Take care of a household task he’s been dreading (My husband cleaned up our (very messy) guest room last week and I literally cried when I saw it!).

47. Plan a romantic date together.

48. Spell “I love you” in alphabet letters (and leave it on the kitchen counter or place where he’ll see it).

48. Make a scrapbook of your favorite memories.

49. Have fun new pictures taken together and create new photo art for your bedroom.

50. Ask if he’d like to turn in early and spend time alone upstairs together (doing whatever he’d like).

51. Read books together on how to have better sex.

52. Book a marriage retreat together.

53. Spend 2 hours alone in the bedroom together connecting intimately.

54. Read (and do) the Love Dare book.

55. Buy him his favorite cologne.

56. If he has a beard, make him an easy DIY Beard Oil.

57. Make him a homemade lotion to relieve aches/pains.

58. Pray for him about ongoing issues about his work.

59. Make a playlist of songs you know he’ll love.

60. Pray for his sexual purity.

61. Write “I love you” in dry erase marker on his car rearview mirror.

62. Take a staycation day together.

63. Pray for a strong friendship for your marriage.

64. Watch his favorite movie together.

65. Play a board game or card game together.

66. Share a magazine article or post with him that he’d love.

67. Fill up his gas tank when it’s low.

68. Buy new lingerie and surprise him when you go to bed tonight.

69. Spray your bed with a mix of lavender and vanilla essential oils to help him sleep.

70. Go on a bike ride together.

71. Recreate your first date.

72. Ask him about his day.

73. Choose not to blame.

74. Create a “love jar”–for 30 days write a note on a piece of paper of what you love about him.

75. Choose to let it go (you know what it is!).

76. Forgive him when he says something hurtful.

77. Choose to think the best of him.

78. Watch a sports game with him and cheer on his favorite team.

79. Stop expecting him to meet all your needs.

80. Look into his eyes for 10 seconds and smile.

81. Hold hands while watching TV.

82. Take a bath together.

83. Watch/listen to a comedian together.

84. Make dinner together.

85. Wear an outfit you know he’ll love.

86. Work on a DIY house project together.

87. Go on a hike.

88. Share one dream you have for your marriage.

89. Play his favorite song.

90. Walk behind him and playfully grab his bottom.

91. Share a joke.

92. Say yes to making love (on a day when you’re too tired).

93. Stop for a long kiss.

94. Plan a surprise date.

95. Run your fingers through his hair.

96. While in public, catch his eye and mouth “I love you”.

97. Wink at him from across the room.

98. Hop in the shower together.

99. Create a DIY stress balm (using Peace and Quiet essential oil blend) for him to use on his toughest days.

100. Offer to share a blanket together and snuggle.

101. Get his morning coffee for him.

102. Secretly hold hands while at dinner.

103. Surprise him by initiating physical contact that leads to making love.

104. Read a book out loud together (here’s a list of some great books).

105. Sit outside and share about the day (read about how we love our daily 15 minutes in our porch swing).

106. Go on a double (or triple) date.

107. Watch a romantic movie together.

108. Run an errand for him.

109. Give him an unexpected hug.

110. Choose to not get angry (even when you have a “right” to be angry).

111. Offer to watch the kids so he can have a night with the guys.

112. Say please and thank you.

113. Flirt (here are 16 ways!).

114. Write him a poem.

115. Learn massage techniques and give each other a massage.

116. Start a “love journal” (an ongoing journal where you can write messages back and forth).

117. Clean his cell phone screen for him.

118. Train for a 5K (or other big physical challenge) together.

119. Choose to not talk badly about him with your friends.

120. Open the door for him.

121. Play a sport together.

122. Go to a concert together.

123. Let him sleep in longer than you.

124. Plan a picnic.

125. Encourage him with a scripture (here are 18 verses on joy).

126. Create a scavenger hunt with post-it notes.

127. Plan a romantic dinner date (at a nice restaurant, or even in your home!).

128. Tell him he looks handsome today.

129. Watch his favorite television series together.

130. Make him a snack after a hard day of work. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Alicia Michelle

Alicia Michelle, author and online influencer at YourVibrantFamily.com, is passionate about helping women discover their beautifully imperfect journey through parenting, marriage, homeschooling, faith and homemaking.

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