I’m Sick And Fucking Tired Of The Internet


I am tired of the internet culture of just talking about things; human beings are still the same. We’re bombarded with so many intellectual arguments in the forms of quotes, articles, pictures, videos, podcasts; so much good information out there. And we’re evolving into beings who forget to process what they take in.

People who share inspirational quotes are still acting like they don’t have a choice to follow their heart, girls who talk shit about guys still fall for douches, and guy who talk shit about girls secretly have four girlfriends.

And the most important thing about all this “thoughtful” culture is that we’re so engrossed in our electron-driven lives, that we have forgotten to expend the energy these electrons are meant to create, and make a change in our lives.

But we don’t. Nobody does.

You can laugh out loud on these acts of hypocrisy. Where do I stand? Well, I don’t read a lot…at least not as much as others do. But what I do read, I reflect on. I take it home with me. The results are rewarding.

But I’m tired of the hypocrisy. I have friends who’d fight for justice on Twitter but not in their own houses for themselves.

And I don’t like this.

It’s because we are so overwhelmed with individualized experiences of success on the internet, bombarded with the same examples of exceptions, that it leaves us feeling craving inspiration and stories to devour, rather than digest and metabolize.

Just like food for our bodies, these words and sounds are food for our souls. It is said that if you don’t chew your food, it weighs heavy on the stomach. The internet is similar.

If you don’t give time to reflect on the thoughts you’re consuming, you’re weighing your soul down.

We will talk about our feelings, Tweet our hearts out, and share stuff. But in real life, we’re all cowards, unafraid to take a stand on what we believe in. Hell, we don’t even know what we believe in because we’re so fickle-minded, that we can’t even direct our brains to process what we need to feel.

We want to be wild hearts; well, even wild animals know what they want and have a pattern of behavior. To an extent, even wild animals are tame, but for themselves.

We need to tame our hearts, but we can’t.

And the reason we cannot tame our hearts is because we absorb so much of this energy that entails us to only talking and talking about the things that SHOULD BE, instead of focusing on the things we COULD BE doing. And then we just…slack because it’s too much emotion, and too much thought, with no action to extend them.

It is the absence of action from our lives that is rendering us incapable of being able to form an individual human being with traits that inspire, and take us on a journey towards self improvement.

And if we keep spending all this time just consuming, and not giving thought or time to the process of consumption without refining what we take in, we’re bound to become restless souls, lost on the way towards self improvement because we just keep looking at others and not ourselves. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Haseeb Sultan Abdul

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