Your Body And Soul Are The Best Lesson In Geography

Ryan Moreno
Ryan Moreno

When you’re not being poetry
I’ve noticed you can be
A perfect lesson, in Geography.

Your hair, the color of thunderclouds; the highlights
Of lightening streaking
Across your unlined forehead –
Only faintly belies,
The cyclones stirring, static
Slowly rising up off of
Your ashen hair.

Your eyes are huge saltwater lakes
A dead sea; whatever you set your eyes on, turns buoyant. Free.

Clear liquid clouds clinging,
To the atmosphere of your eyelashes – are quick, and generous;
Effortlessly streaming down as tears, infinite in their capacity
To ease a conscience gently,
Into hurt, and healing.

The cliff tops of your cheekbones
So lofty, and still; unaware, absolutely
Of the stunning views their heights offer; a thing of impossible beauty.

Your mouth a desolate crater
Not yet rid of the taste –
A little moon, some meteorites;
Galaxies traveling light years
Just to settle on your tongue tip –
Your words an aftertaste,
Of how other worlds than this
Might feel like.

You proud chin,
An enduring delta;
Letting the deposits of hits taken
In life, love,
And longing – settle down
Into the sturdy ground
You dig your heels into.

The calcium of your fingernails
Glorious stalactites
And stalagmites; the grime
Of time can hardly hard press
Their absolute, furious dazzle.

The rivers that run through your fingers
Make everything they touch
Their own; blue veins spinning
Webs so marvelous,
Turning deception into a tradecraft.

The tectonic plates of your ribs
Quake and quiver,
Constantly frantic
To contain – the
Fiery red-hot molten lava
Of your fierce, trailblazing heart.
The swampy marshes
Of your arm pits
Moist with reminders –
That ash and dust
You might be, but
Forever of the Earth.

Your spine
An ancient ridgeline
A long, narrow range of hills –
That ebb and wane,
Many moons
In many phases
Determining the variety
Of your courage – your
Every, single prayer
Will be answered
You’re you own God
You just don’t know it, yet. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Maayaa Dixit

Loves Plath, Places, And Poetry.

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