How NP Types Can Fight Through The Laziness And Become Productive People

Christopher Campbell
Christopher Campbell

Those who have NP letters as part of their Myers-Briggs personality type (which includes INFPs, INTPs, ENFPs, and ENTPs) also share this in common: laziness. And if you’re reading this and you identify yourself as any of those personalities listed, I’m sure you understand how frustrating it is to procrastinate.

Why do these personality types struggle when it comes to getting real work done?

The problem lies within NPs’ strong extraverted intuition functions. In other words, they have a propensity to explore new ideas and possibilities. The downside to this is that they have a hard time to focus on one thing at a time and easily get bored. This is very problematic because it prevents them from achieving their many goals and ideals. Reality can be their worst enemy if they don’t learn how to work with it.

Fortunately, I have come up with some solutions: either hire someone with a strong judging function to do the work or, better yet, learn how to the develop judging function. I think I’ve figured out how to execute the latter.

Here’s the advice I would give to NPs.

The first thing is to choose a goal. How do you decide which choose from? Why not pick that one that’s most feasible and/or higher priority? Realize that if you can’t choose one, you’ll end up not choosing any.

The next thing is to think of a short-term strategy. The reason why I’m suggesting this is because, as perceivers, long-term goals don’t work in your favour and often end up failing (the upside of this is that you’re flexible and open to new opportunities).

Anyways, a short-term strategy could be something like a one-week plan, as opposed to a yearly plan. A great advice that my long distance running coach used to tell me was that try to aim for reaching the next landmark (such as a lamp post) and don’t think about the finish line. Just focus on one small step at a time and you’ll get there. Applying this analogy to other tasks also feels like a workout: it requires a lot of discipline but the satisfaction that you get in the end is worth it.

Also, try to turn off distractions such as the internet, social media and Netflix. You’re creative—I’m sure you can find a way that works best for you. Turn these distractions off for a short period, and then give yourself a pat on the back when you’re done.

With this in mind, hopefully, you can be more effective at achieving your goals. So what are you doing here? Time to get things done! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Catherine Chea


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