As Your Life Goes On, Please Remember Me

Julia Caesar

I want you to remember me as the first girl who loved you, and the first girl you loved back. I want you to remember our first kiss in the car when you dropped me off at home by my front door. I want you to remember the first time you told me you’d miss me when I was going away on vacation.

I want you to think of me when it’s windy and how we used to race to the car. I want you to remember how you used to grab me, spin me around and push my hair out of my face before you’d kiss me.

I want you to remember me by every place that became “ours” because “our spots” became our happy places. I want you to drive by and think of me, like I think of you.

I want you to remember me when you start getting overwhelmed, even if you refuse to admit that you’re stressed out. I want you to think of my voice telling you everything is going to be just fine. I want you to breathe in and out, like I’m right there with you, and I want you to think in your head that breathing doesn’t help anything because I know in your stubborn head that’s what you’re thinking.

I want you to remember how smart you are, no matter how many rejection letters you may receive. I want you to remember that you are capable of doing anything you want to and that you will succeed as long as you have the passion and heart to do it.

I want you to remember me when it’s Christmas time and there are lights lining the streets and the malls. I want you to think of me when you find the perfect gift and I want you to be excited to wrap it, even though I won’t be by your side to help you fix it.

I want you to remember me when you’re out walking, wherever it may be. By the river as you cast your reel, through the woods as you walk your dog, through the city as you’re out exploring. I want you to remember how we talked and laughed when we were alone in silence of the world. I want you to remember how comfortable we were with each other and how I always kept your trust.

I want you to remember how you used to wrap your arms around me and tell me there was no other place you’d rather be than here. I want you to remember how you used to wipe the tears right off my face and tell me everything was going to be okay.

I want you to remember me as kind, and loving, and passionate. I want you to remember me as caring, and strong, and supportive. I want you to remember me as the girl who was once your everything.

I want you to look back on our time together and know that what we had was wonderful. I want you to remember our love when you’re out in the world pursuing this brave new world you’re seeking and I’ll remember you when I’m making a home in mine because part of you will always live in me.

I want you to remember everything about our relationship because I want you to treat the next girl just as good, if not better. You gave me the world, even though our worlds didn’t align. As strong as our love ever was, you’ll find better love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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