Instead Of Planning Your Life, It’s Time To Start Enjoying It

Sam Aleman
Sam Aleman

Its time to stop planning your life. To your inner OCD and perfect daily routine, I know how this sounds – it’s crazy; it limits your ability to harness the potential of the day. However, the best things I’ve ever experienced come from the unplanned, unanticipated, spontaneous events that happened.

Free yourself from the expectations for your next night out, your next date or your next day at work – as long as nothing is expected, there’s nothing for it to live up to, thus giving it endless potential to be nothing short of spectacular. Liberate yourself from the rigidity that is plans and organization. Open your horizons to endless potential. Give up your plans to spontaneity.

Obviously, we have to have some sort of structure, we can’t resort to complete anarchy in our lives. It is, however, important to allot time for chaos and disorder. Instead of going to that Starbucks on Queen St every Thursday for your break, pick a local coffee shop or bakery on Yonge. Instead of sleeping in on Saturday morning, call a friend and go for a walk in the park or to the farmers market. Instead of doing the usual, comfortable things you unconsciously do, make the decision to do something different, at the very least  to try something different, at the most to give yourself the opportunity for endless potential.

You don’t have to start big. I know the idea is daunting. You’ve created a world where your routine is flawless and you find comfort in maintaining equilibrium and a proper balance. Pick one hour every week where you’ll do something unexpected. Every Wednesday after work, or school or volunteering, instead of going home for the day, find a coffee house that’s going on or a new fitness class. Stop by that cafe you always walk by on your way home and grab a bite there. If you’re feeling a little crazy, maybe even have a conversation with someone you happened to sit beside. I believe that people are experiences waiting to happen, and the more you interact with people you don’t know, the more you get out of this world.

One Hour. That’s all I ask for now. Who knows, you may end up at a movie premier and find yourself feeling the rush of excitement in the air. Or you may just have a really good conversation with a complete stranger at that cafe. The potential is endless. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Divya Patodia

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