7 Tools Single People Can Use To Find Love

Twenty20 / taniramaurer
Twenty20 / taniramaurer

1. Romance pro/con list.

This handy notepad transforms your mental pro/con list into a tangible reality. The 6×9 inch, 60-page pad is divided into pro/con sections, which gives you ample space to wax poetic and weigh, whether he gets a phone call back or not.

Beware what you might find out about yourself, though. Somehow seeing “bad shoes” or “bald spot” next to “great sense of humor” and “intelligent” may help you figure out what really should be most important.

2. Friends.

Friends are just like significant others except there’s less dependence (usually), less drama (ideally), and lesssex (unfortunately). Women aren’t islands; we need people in our lives, but rather than giving a less-than-perfect guy the job, let your friends and family work their magic.

3. A great bra.

Small or large, there’s no denying the over-the-top feminine feel of a proper bra that accentuates your natural gifts.

4. Your choice of no-holds-barred relationship book written by a man.

Sometimes you need to hear from a masculine voice that men are 1) simple, and 2) haven’t called because they don’t want to talk to you. Nothing less, nothing more.

5. Contraception.

Whether you’re a fan of the pill, condoms, have anIUD or use the sponge (a la Elaine from Seinfeld), being vigilant about birth control is a must as a single woman. Unless, of course, you’re not sexually active, in which case, skip to number 6.

6. Cab money.

No matter where you are, what you’re doing or who you’re with, always have a doable exit plan. This includes known access to a cab, bus or train, and the funds to get you home. Preferably in cash and credit, just in case.

7. A go-to anything.

This could be an outfit that makes you feel as pretty as Maria inWest Side Story, a hobby that you adore, a religious group, an album that transports you, or a friend-with-benefits you happily visit every few months. Whatever it is, this person, place, or thing fulfills you, regardless of what’s going on in your love life. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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Melissa Noble

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