This Alabama City Is Dead Set On Banning Short Shorts, Sagging Pants, And Mini-Skirts

Is "sagging" even still a thing??


Flickr / DropTopGal Mang25
Flickr / DropTopGal Mang25
Flickr / DropTopGal Mang25

An elementary school-esque dress code may be coming soon to the town of Dadeville, Alabama. The clothing inquisition began last month with City Councilor Frank Goodman’s proposal to ban “sagging pants.” Goodman said during a City Council meeting that his proposal is all about “respect” and having people respect themselves and each other:

“Who is going to respect you if you don’t respect yourself? The reason I brought this up is I think people deserve respect when they are in public. I think slacking is disrespectful. I think it gives our younger generation the wrong impression of what is cool,” Goodman said at a City Council meeting.

Goodman elaborated on his opposition to sagging pants, saying:

“We have people walking down the street with their hand in front of them holding up their pants. Then they have the nerve to walk into a place of business and ask for a job. If you come to my house you are going to pull them up before you get on my property, much less in my door. I prayed about this. I know that God would not go around with pants down.”

His fellow City Council members had positive reactions to his proposal. He even inspired his colleague — Councilor Stephanie Kelley — to ensure that women were included in this sort of fashion legislation as well.

“My concern is it should be for everybody,” Kelley said, I think for the girls, with these shorts up so high looking like under garments and dresses so short, I don’t want us to be showing favoritism.”

The town attorney says that he should have the legislation ready very soon.

“I hope to have it ready for the next meeting. If the council wants me to write in something for the females – it will take a little more creativity on my part.”

Wear those short-shorts and saggy pants before it is too late! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

h/t NY Daily News