19 Brand New Lyrics That Relate To Your Life

Lyrics by one of the greatest alternative rock bands that likely pertain to your (negative) early adulthood thoughts.

1. “This is a lesson in procrastination.”


2. “Call me a safe bet, I’m betting I’m not.”

3. “I’ve got desperate desires and unadmirable plans.”

4. “Do you believe you’re missing out? That everything good is happening somewhere else?”

5. “If looks could really kill, then my profession would be staring.”

6. “I can’t shake this little feeling I’ll never get anything right.”

7. “You can sin, or spend the night all alone.”

8. “And we just want sleep.”

9. “Back in school they never taught us what we needed to know. Like how to deal with despair, or someone breaking your heart.”

10. “My bright is too slight to hold back all my dark.”

11. “Is this the way a toy feels when its batteries run dry?”

12. “Ask me what it’s like to have myself so figured out. I wish I knew.”

13. “My tongue’s the only muscle in my body that works harder than my heart.”

14. “I feel like every chance to leave is another chance I should have took.”

15. “Once said, always said.”

16. “I want to invade my thoughts.”

17. “Well Jesus Christ, I’m alone again.”

18. “Goodbye to sleep. I think this staying up is exactly what I need.”

19. “We never are what we intend or invent.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Lianna Marie

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