3 Books For Father’s Who Are Trying Their Best

There are loads of books out there that offer all kinds of advice for mothers, but what about fathers? Plenty of dads are the ones who are the main caregivers of their children, but there aren’t a lot of resources out there for them. Or, are there? If you look hard enough, you will find that there are actually some pretty good books available that are geared towards dads who are doing their part to raise healthy, happy children who will eventually become healthy, happy, and productive adults. When it comes to books for dads, here are our top three picks.

1. The Diary of a Stay-at-Home Dad: My Journal Behind Bars by Darick D. Spears

When one follows traditional parenting roles, the man goes to work to support the family, and the woman stays at home to take care of the children and the home, or works and also looks after the family and home. This book tosses tradition out the window, and shows that a man is just as capable of working and taking care of their family as any woman. This book is the diary entries from someone who is a stay-at-home dad, and loving every minute of it, both trials and tribulations. He has three daughters, and if any of you have daughters, you know how difficult it can be to raise just one, let alone three.

Darick “DDS” Spears, author of this book (which, by the way became the #1 bestseller this week on Amazon), is an artist, business owner, producer, author, and certified audio engineer who graduated from Marquette University with a Bachelor degree in Communications (minor in Intermediary Business). In addition, he has received a Master’s Degree in Music Business from Columbia College Chicago, and he owns DDS MediaWorks LLC, a tri-media company that works with music and video production as well as bookwriting/publish. But, outside of his academic and business achievements, Spears is, first and foremost, a dad.

2. Be Prepared: A Practical Handbook for New Dads by Gary Greenberg and Jeannie Hayden

If you have a good sense of humor, and you are about to be a dad for the first time, you need to check out this book. It is loaded with humor, as well as a wide range of topics about everything to do with your new baby, from basic care to play time to choosing the best products (strollers, cribs, etc.). Yes, there is a lot of humor, including funny illustrations, but there is also a lot of good information that you can really use as a dad who has no experience whatsoever when it comes to raising babies. You will learn how to swaddle your newborn, via step-by-step instructions, how to take your baby’s temperature, and a whole lot more. You will even learn how to make changing diapers sporting events, as well as how to baby-proof your home, and even how to enjoy a camping trip with a baby.

3. The Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and all other Labor Companions by Penny Simkin

Before you can learn how to care for your new baby, your role will likely be as a birthing coach. You will be the birth partner, and you need to know what to do when the time comes. After all, you don’t want to look like a complete idiot in the delivery room. This 398-page book goes into details about every aspect of childbirth, with such sections as “Before the Birth”, “Labor and Birth”, “The Medical Side of Childbirth” and “After the Birth”. After reading this book, you may even feel like you can deliver the baby yourself (please don’t, let the doctor take care of this while you take care of the woman who is having your baby). There are even loads of illustrations and charges to make it easy to understand it all. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Jane Hurst

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