11 Tips To Help You Promote Your App For Free

App Exchange
App Exchange

These days, it isn’t enough to simply have a website and a blog. Now you need to have an app, but you need to take steps to make sure that it gets noticed. Believe it or not, many entrepreneurs have made a lot of money by creating and selling apps, and they are able to do this without paying for advertising. So, how can you get in on this action? Well, the first thing you need to do is create an awesome app. Then, you need to take advantage of some of the following helpful tips and start making some money by selling your apps.

  1. Create a Video – Put together a video about your app. You can get as creative as you like with the video, and use any tone, be it funny, personal, etc. Talk about the app in a way that people can understand, without getting overly technical.
  2. Create a Microsite – This is a small website that only has one or two pages. Use this microsite to show off your app to an online audience. Just look at what Snapchat and Path have done without spending a lot of money.
  3. Create a Blog – You can attach your blog to your microsite. Use the blog to write content that people are going to want to read. This will get them to your website, where they will learn more about your app and be able to buy it.
  4. Create a Teaser Website – This is another small website that you will use to promote you app. Launch this site about a month or so before you launch the app. Use the site to collect email address of those who are interested in checking out your new app when you release it to the public.
  5. Get Social – Take advantage of social networking to promote your app at every available opportunity. Use Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc. to get your message out there without spending a single penny. Don’t forget to post some great and memorable quotes. If you don’t want to spend hours searching through BrainyQuote for quotes, check out CuratedQuotes, with a more curated list of sharable quotes.
  6. Set Up a Podcast – You can publish a podcast on your own website, as well as on iTunes. Make sure the content relates to your app.
  7. Offer a Promotional Price Deal – If you are going to be charging customers a fee to download your app, you can offer a special “one-time only” fee when you launch the app. You will get a lot of customers, and if they like the app, they will recommend it to others, who will be required to pay the full price.
  8. Start a Group – Speaking of Facebook, there is another way you can use this social networking website to promote your app. Create a group, and invite people who are interested in anything that is related to your app. For instance, if your app is about cooking, cater to those who love to cook.
  9. Set Up a Contest – Everyone loves to enter contests, and you can use your social networking pages to create contests that will get your app noticed. For instance, the hundredth person to “like” a particular post will win a promo code that will allow them to have a free download of your app.
  10. Collect Emails – Use all of the resources at hand to get as many email addresses as you can, including the social networking websites that you use. Once you are ready to start selling your app, you can promote it through this email list.
  11. Use Pinterest – You can use images, infographics, visual content, etc. to create content on a Pinterest board. You can also use your board to hold contests, post photos, and much more.

It is not so hard to promote the app, as it seems. You may find talented, dedicated people to help you. By following these steps, users will be aware of your app and engage with it. Remember, your app has to be useful, well developed and interesting for people so they want to pay for it. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Jane Hurst

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