This Is The Mood-Altering Music Video You Need To Watch Right Now

Shamir—a 19-year-old (maybe 20 now?) Vegas original, tingly musical sensation, and recent XL Recordings signee—released this candy-coated, sequin-dripping, self-confidence-boosting gem of a video at the end of October and I just discovered it today because I am always late to the goddamned party. We’re always freaking out about music like “OMG this is EVERYTHINGGGG,” but Shamir is very much everything—in just this video alone, Shamir switches between infectiously cocky posturing in raps to full Beyoncé-boss crooning: “don’t try me, I’m not a free sample/Step to me and you will be handled.” In short, we could all be a little bit more Shamir about life. Get on board with yourself or fall off forever, you feel? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Crissy Milazzo

Crissy is a writer living and lol’ing in Los Angeles. She’s on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, for better or worse.

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