If A Vampire Said He Left His iPhone Charger In Your Apartment, Would You Let Him In?

Comedy videos on the internet are seventy four thousand dimes a dozen, but ever-rising NYC based comedian Matt Dennie has done something truly interesting here. The “Matt Dennie Character Project” is a video undertaking profiling 3 separate, very absurd characters, who, although don’t actually exist in NYC, may, in some aspects, be eerily reminiscent of characters you’ve encountered in your various realities.

My favorite of the series is T’woil The Vampire, who has some pretty elaborate reasons for why he needs to come into your apartment:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP8fi8NLiRM&w=1280&h=720%5D

Also featured in the Matt Dennie Character Project is a Beef (a chef who has a very specific skill-set), and the next college sports superstar, if it were still 1987.



Hopefully there will be another installment of Beef with Beef — would love to see what he cooks up next. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Steve Harris

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