10 Weird Phrases We Should All Start Using

Broad City
Broad City

It seems as if a different abbreviation or slang word develops each day. With so many hip phrases sprouting at such a fast rate, how is one expected to keep up? Lucky for you, I’ve compiled a master list of my personal favorites. Note: some of these phrases are super underground and not used by anyone other than my friends and I. I trust you’ll help me bring these to the forefront. Enjoy!

1. GT’s: Short for “good times,” this abbreviation comes in handy daily. After a righteous time with your friends, a joyous, exclamatory, “GT’s!” feels really right. Example: “Hey Sally, remember that time we met Paul McCartney? GT’s!” Variations: TT’s (terrible times,) WT’s (weird times,) AT’s (average times).

2. Swag (or any variation of the word): Upon first hearing this word, you may want to reject it. You might think, “I’m not a twelve year old Justin Bieber wanna be!” Well son, neither am I, and I can’t stop saying swag. One of the many appeals of this word is its diversity. Swag can be used in many instances, and with many variations to tailor to each situation. Example: “Hey Tom, I got those tickets for the hockey game for free tonight.” To which Tom replies, “Swag!” Variations include: swaggy, swag money, swag city, sack of swag, or swagola. 

3. Gucci: Very similar to swag, but only to be confused by a rookie. Gucci is used best as a greeting. When approaching a friend from afar, once you reach a standard distance of a few feet, casually call out, “What’s Gucci?” while stretching your arms out slightly on either side to show you’re cool and casual (maybe even swaggy?). Gucci can also be used to describe a state of being. Example: “Hey friend. How are you today?” “I’m Gucci.”

4. Whelmed: This phrase gains inspiration from the words overwhelmed and underwhelmed. If you can be over or under something, why not just be on par? Example: “Hey Bekah did you see that new episode of The Real Housewives last night?” “Yeah, but I was just whelmed by it.” 

5. #Blessed: Truthfully, hashtagging anything in real life is a must, but a recent favorite is the ironic hashtag blessed. This hashtag can only be used in a sarcastic, ironic instance. Example: On Thanksgiving everyone is tweeting how thankful they are for their families using #blessed. You tweet, “I ate a lot of pie today. #Blessed” 

6. The dip’s a hit!: This phrase is used as an exclamation whenever anything is satisfactory or more than; when something is a hit. It must be said in a particular, throaty high-pithced voice that I unfortunately cannot articulate via written word. Example: You go to a concert and the band plays a song that the crowd goes wild for. You exclaim, “The DIP’s a HIT!”

7. Yar: Like many others on the list, this phrase is very diverse as well. Yar can be used as a simple agreeing word, interchangeable for yes, or it can be used as a joyous exclamation similar to the dip’s a hit. Example: “Hey do you want to come with me to Target?” “Yar.” Or “I just won $5!!!” “YAR!!!!!!” Related words include “nar,” which is the exact opposite of yar. 

8. Abso-FlatTop-lutely!: Drawing inspiration from the word “absolutely” and the popular restaurant FlatTop, this phrase is used any time “absolutely” or “sure thing” would be an appropriate response. Example: “Hey are you ready to go yet?” “Abso-FlatTop-lutely!” It can be used in similar context as yar, but will create a different feeling of enthusiasm depending on how it is delivered.

9. Mems: This phrase is short for the word “memories.” This abbreviation pairs well with a hashtag, or the phrase “thanks for the.” Example: “Remember that time we went camping and ate twenty s’mores?” “Ohh yeah! Thanks for the mems/ Ohh yeah! Hashtag mems./ Ohh yeah! Oh the mems!” It’s very versatile and gets across the nostalgia associated with any event no matter the variation used.

10. Deuces gooses: This pairing is used as a closing sentiment to end a conversation or encounter with an acquaintance, friend, or loved one. Upon leaving a get-together, or wishing your friend goodbye until next time, a “deuces gooses!” shows how much you care. It takes the common “deuces” and brings it to the next level by pairing a grammatically incorrect, but rhyming word on the end. Since you use the wrong plural form of goose, you show your friends you’re really fun and don’t take life too seriously, all while sending them off with well wishes. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Bekah Pollard

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