There Are So Many Benefits To Watching Porn


Hi there. I’m a woman. I enjoy watching porn on a regular basis.

I know, shocking right? Did you just fall right out of your chair?

It’s not something you hear everyday. Not because it’s uncommon for women to watch porn, but because for some reason its just another one of those “taboo” subjects that go unspoken. WHY? Why is it so culturally acceptable and expected for men to watch porn but not women? Is it just me? Maybe it’s just the friends I’ve made in life, but it really seems to me that for women, watching porn is a very private, secret thing. I also feel like maybe men are a little bit in the dark. Do men really not know women watch porn? And if they do, why is porn such a taboo subject? Are people ashamed? Let me ask you something – do any of you readers think worse of me because I watch porn? The answer should be no. If you answered yes, we need to talk…

Before I get any further into this, I would like to clarify that I am talking about consensual, adult porn only. I do not in any way endorse child pornography or videos filmed without the participants knowledge and consent. (Although I really hope you already knew that).

No one should be ashamed to watch porn! My film nerd side is going to slip out here and throw some film terminology at you. In the “biz” there’s a little concept called voyeurism, which is the idea that we as humans enjoy and gain pleasure from watching other humans, specifically in intimate situations. This is a natural phenomenon. It is completely normal to be aroused by watching other people. That is the basis of the porn industry. And guess what? This fact of life isn’t affected by sex, gender, sexual orientation or sexual experience.

There are so many benefits to watching porn. First of all, it is extremely low risk. It is physically impossible for you to become pregnant or to catch an STD by watching porn. It allows you to become more comfortable with yourself and your sexuality on your own terms. Watching porn can help you discover what you are most attracted to, but also what you are uncomfortable with. Another plus is that it is so easily accessible. You are all reading this on the internet right now, you are only one Google search away from endless free pornography. In my opinion, watching porn is a completely normal, safe part of any healthy sex life.

Ok, let’s talk about some common “downsides” of watching porn my female friends have asked me about:

Q. Does porn provide people with unrealistic expectations about sex and relationships?

Sure. But so does Twilight. So does just about every romantic comedy ever made, books, magazines, television, movies, etc. Unrealistic expectations about sex are everywhere.

Q. Will I get addicted?

Are you addicted to any other form of entertainment/type of internet use? Well then chances are you won’t get addicted to porn. I’m not saying it’s impossible. If watching porn begins to negatively affect areas of your life such as school or work, or relationships, then yes, you should be concerned.

If you are struggling with something in your life right now then perhaps your chance of addiction is higher because watching porn can be used as a coping method (just like any other escapist behavior). Otherwise, fear of addiction shouldn’t prevent you from watching.

Q. Will watching porn make me feel awful about the way I look?

Maybe. But again, if that’s the case you probably have a lot of trouble with T.V., movies, magazines and any and all other forms of media. Besides, none of you should feel awful about the way you look because you are all BEAUTIFUL! You just need to remember that porn stars are no different than actresses or models – they are made up to look a specific way on film and don’t look like that in everyday life.

Q: Is all porn geared towards men?

Ladies. I hate to break this to you, but watching porn can be a little harder for us because it is very targeted to men. I mean, I’m sorry, but I personally don’t want to watch a skinny blonde girl with balloon sized tits give a blow job for half an hour. Doesn’t do it for me. Totally cool if that’s what you like to watch, but there is a segment of us women who won’t enjoy it. And often on porn sites “female friendly” porn usually means lesbians. Which is totally hot, but I typically prefer men. So what’s a girl to do?! You have to go hunting for it. There is some really beautiful erotic work out there and once you find it, it will be worth it.

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About the author

Samantha Jane

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