How I Want To Respond To Hate Mail
I get a lot crap that I will never, ever have the time to respond to. Do I have the time, technically? Yes, but I could be doing other things that I like more, like eating Cheetos or masturbating. Sometimes I do them both together. Welcome to being single. It's pretty great.
By Nico Lang
At Thought Catalog, I’m pretty lucky to get really engaged feedback and criticism from folks, and 99% of the time (whether it’s on a comment board or through my email), you say something cool that makes my day or check me when I need to be checked. It’s a great tool of dialogue and discussion, and I’ve met folks who later became friends through an internet comment board. The internet seems all fake, but the relationships it contains can be very real.
However, I also get a lot crap on the internet that I will never, ever have the time to respond to — usually from HuffPost readers, who are very, very good at finding my email. (Seriously, is it on the side of a bus or something? Are they passing it out like Jesus pamphlets on the corner?) Do I have the time to respond, technically? Yes, but I could be doing other things that I like more, like eating Cheetos or masturbating. Sometimes I do them both together. Welcome to being single. It’s pretty great.
In the interests of not cutting into my self-spank time, I thought I would answer them all together — with the help of Beyonce, Jennifer Lawrence and their friends. They say what simple words cannot express.