A Playlist For Ladies Getting Head

[8tracks width=”584″ height=”300″ playops=”” url=”http://8tracks.com/mixes/1047396″]

It can sometimes feel, as a woman, like your entire music collection is telling you to simultaneously shake your ass, soothe a furrowed man-brow that needs your delicate touch, and be an adorable virgin who is pure and perfect and fit for a Taylor Swift-themed wedding. But occasionally, a song will crop up that reminds us, “Hey! Women are beautiful and awesome and deserving of being on the receiving end of attention/pleasure sometimes — let’s celebrate that!” And those songs are amazing, and they deserve to be in some sort of Hall of Fame where they can all just hang out with each other and get their nails done and relax and feel incredible.

Whether it’s the indomitable Khia with her famous “My Neck, My Back” — also known as the anthem for any girl whose had a few too many gin and tonics and is looking to get some tonight — or the classic Lil’ Kim who has a veritable library of songs dedicated to the See You Next Tuesday, all of these tunes are gems. I want to know how many licks it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop. Please, someone, tell me.

And we can’t forget the Crown Prince of all things giving head, one Dwayne Michael Carter, known in some circles as Lil’ Wayne. Say what you will about the man’s lyrics or stage presence, he loves going down on women, and is far from afraid to talk about it. For that, especially in a music industry that is dominated by lyrics that take little to no stock in a woman’s sexual existence, he deserves a serious pat on the back. You keep on keepin’ on, Lil’ Wayne. You are truly doing God’s work.

Listen to the playlist on 8Tracks, or subscribe to it on SpotifyTC Mark

Ignorant Art
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About the author

Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

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