What Everyone Gets Wrong About Each Zodiac Sign

What Everyone Gets Wrong About Each Zodiac Sign


Everyone thinks you’re aggressive and cold. But you’re secretly soft and sensitive.


Everyone thinks you’re quiet and shy. But you’re bold and strong-willed. You can’t be peer pressured.


Everyone thinks you’re fickle. But you hold on tightly to the people who really matter.


Everyone thinks you’re a pushover. But you have strong opinions and won’t let anyone disrespect you.


Everyone thinks you’re selfish and egotistical. But you would do absolutely anything for your loved ones.


Everyone thinks you’re bossy. But you’re simply a perfectionist and want what’s best for others.


Everyone thinks you’re sweet and innocent. But you have a dark side.


Everyone thinks you’re happy-go-lucky and fun. But you’ve secretly suffered through more than they know.


Everyone thinks you’re a spontaneous people person. But sometimes, you just want to be left alone.


Everyone thinks you’re unfriendly and unapproachable. But you are a huge jokester around the people who make you feel comfortable.


Everyone thinks you’re cheery and optimistic. But there are times when your doubts get the best of you.


Everyone thinks you’re intuitive and kind. But sometimes, people get on your nerves and you cannot stand another second around them. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.